Hi all. My broody silkie has been sitting nicely on a clutch of 4 fake eggs for two days now whilst I'm waiting for the real hatching eggs to arrive in the post (due within 48 hrs). This morning she left those eggs and hasn't gone back to them, but is now sitting in another nesting box. She's still showing all the broodiness signs but I'm really worried now that she will do the same with the hatching eggs (especially worried as I haven't got an incubator). This is her first time ( and mine!). She has been broody for a few weeks now so have I left it too late? Can they sense that the fake eggs aren't real? I popped a freshly laid egg under her earlier from one of the other chickens to what she does. Still on it at the moment but it's only been a couple of hours.
Any advice much appriciated! Thankyou..
Any advice much appriciated! Thankyou..