Broody hen has left nest on day 21

I gave my broody hen 4, 2 day old chicks last week. She has had chicks before and she seems to be a good mum. I think I’ve messed up though in doing that. Previously she was sat on 12 eggs and the other hens were fighting her to lay eggs and a few eggs were broken so We built her her own area in the coop and I put a couple of eggs in the incubater. She has 6 eggs in the nest. I thought these eggs have a week to hatch so it should be fine? Two of the the eggs are pipping today and she’s left the nest! Is that normal? It’s also a very hot day. She’s not going back to the nest, I’m sat here watching her. Should I move these eggs into the incubater? Should I try move her back on the eggs? Will the week old chicks peck the new chicks?? I’m worried she’ll peck at the new chicks? I’d love to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks!


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What did you decide to do? How did things go?
I put the eggs inside the incubator to hatch. I hatched 6 healthy chicks out of the 8 eggs. I have them in the brooder now. I’m thinking about putting them with her one night this week but it dropped a little cool this week in VA. She’s a great mother hen she might look out for them, hopefully?
I put the eggs inside the incubator to hatch. I hatched 6 healthy chicks out of the 8 eggs. I have them in the brooder now. I’m thinking about putting them with her one night this week but it dropped a little cool this week in VA. She’s a great mother hen she might look out for them, hopefully?

It's very unlikely that she'd accept these strange interlopers. She believes that she's raising her family already.
I put the eggs inside the incubator to hatch. I hatched 6 healthy chicks out of the 8 eggs. I have them in the brooder now. I’m thinking about putting them with her one night this week but it dropped a little cool this week in VA. She’s a great mother hen she might look out for them, hopefully?
I don’t think she will either! Her other kids are already out of the coop and doing big chicken things … I think I’ll move them into the coop in a safe area. Just so the other chickens can get used to them! It’s been a good learning curve.

It's very unlikely that she'd accept these strange interlopers. She believes that she's raising her family already.

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