Broody hen laying on infertile eggs...But I have eggs in an incubator


5 Years
Jun 24, 2018
If any of the eggs in the incubator hatch (doubtful) could I put the chicks under the broody hen. She has alternated back and forth between our two nesting boxes. Our rooster died in March and I kept eggs to incubate that I thought were fertile. But the incubator took a long time arriving and the eggs were refrigerated. I don't want to move any eggs as this is day 18 and I am ready to crank up the humidity. But if any hatch, can I feel safe placing them under a broody buff orpington? If so, do I separate them from my other 4 hens immediately or in a week or so when the chicks might make it out of the nest box. The broody hen scares the daylights out of the hens. She took over when the roo died.
How long from the time the rooster died before she collected and started sitting on a clutch? When did she start sitting? Have you candled the eggs under her?
The incubator is now overdue with no hatching. I now just have a broody hen. I would like, for her health, to do the right thing by her. Do I stop the broody nature or allow it to continue. I am giving her water with oregano oil and feed and fruits/veggies in small quantities. Still in the nesting box. Roo died the middle of March.
How long has she been setting? If it's been close to 3 weeks, you could - if you wanted her to raise some chicks - go to your local feed store if you have one near you, and pick up a few chicks for her to raise. If you don't want to raise chicks, then you really should get her off the nest and break her broody cycle.
If you don’t want to give her fertile eggs (assuming you acquired them outside of your flock and your mama hasn’t already been sitting for more than a week or so diligently) or buy her day old chicks to try and adopt, then you should break her in a broody breaker crate. It should take approx 3 days, possibly more if she’s been in that state awhile.
The incubator is now overdue with no hatching. I now just have a broody hen. I would like, for her health, to do the right thing by her. Do I stop the broody nature or allow it to continue. I am giving her water with oregano oil and feed and fruits/veggies in small quantities. Still in the nesting box. Roo died the middle of March.
It takes 3 full days in a crate with no nesting material or bedding. A dog crate works. Make it so they can't keep bottom warm- bare floor or better yet wire cage on blocks for air flow. Give food and water and don't let them out for three full days. They will act cured then you let them out early and they run for the coop nest box. Start from day one again...don't let them out for 3 full days.

PUt her in crate in morning and let out in morning.

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