Broody Hen Thread!

Chicks are pipping here

Kind of excited as this is my first trial batch with my Barnevelder roo....yup, he's fertile.

This will also be my first attempt at backyard sex linking....if I did the "math" right, I should have black females and males with a head dot for barring as I used California Grey hens with my Barnevelder rooster.

From what I can see, I've got one girl hatched (appeared all black with the quick check) and another pipping...which will be 100% as I only set 2 Cal Grey eggs for this trial under my broody Silkie. (I don't think the brown egg from my Rhodebar or Welsummer/Wyandotte was developing well, but we will see in another day).

Encouraging as well as I did not do anything special...I just plunked eggs under her, let her sit on pine shavings over wood, tried to keep the shavings deeper due to the wet and cold (some wet seepage at the edges due to very heavy rains...we had 13 inches of rain in December!).

I ddin't even remove the other 2 bantam Cochins who snuggled tight with momma during the cold (and once kicked out some eggs, and twice have laid more eggs which the Silkie had under her...there's 1 dud now, but I didn't worry about it as they are small eggs).

So actually, I made a point to just let nature take its course with little intervention from me. This will be both a test and a relief after those failed hatches with the Isbars...seeing happy healthy little black chicks running around that had no special care other than mommy....hopefully the other one will pip easily is cold and dry.

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Chicks are pipping here :jumpy

Kind of excited as this is my first trial batch with my Barnevelder roo....yup, he's fertile. 

This will also be my first attempt at backyard sex linking....if I did the "math" right, I should have black females and males with a head dot for barring as I used California Grey hens with my Barnevelder rooster.

From what I can see, I've got one girl hatched (appeared all black with the quick check) and another pipping...which will be 100% as I only set 2 Cal Grey eggs for this trial under my broody Silkie. (I don't think the brown egg from my Rhodebar or Welsummer/Wyandotte was developing well, but we will see in another day).

Encouraging as well as I did not do anything special...I just plunked eggs under her, let her sit on pine shavings over wood, tried to keep the shavings deeper due to the wet and cold (some wet seepage at the edges due to very heavy rains...we had 13 inches of rain in December!).

I ddin't even remove the other 2 bantam Cochins who snuggled tight with momma during the cold (and once kicked out some eggs, and twice have laid more eggs which the Silkie had under her...there's 1 dud now, but I didn't worry about it as they are small eggs).

So actually, I made a point to just let nature take its course with little intervention from me. This will be both a test and a relief after those failed hatches with the Isbars...seeing happy healthy little black chicks running around that had no special care other than mommy....hopefully the other one will pip easily is cold and dry.


I'm confident she will do well, I love the hybrid vigor for the mixed chicks!
I gave her the proper eggs. Shes now got the dummy eggs and real eggs under her as I couldn't get the dummies out from under her.
I do not understand, Why could you not get the dummy eggs?? I set over 60 in the last year, I can do what ever I need to do. If a Little peck scares you--put on a thick glove/coat and get the eggs!! LOL
I do not understand, Why could you not get the dummy eggs?? I set over 60 in the last year, I can do what ever I need to do. If a Little peck scares you--put on a thick glove/coat and get the eggs!! LOL

She doesn't peck. I was worried about disturbing her. Didn't see the point when I can probably get them tomorrow when she gets off for water. She's got plenty of space under her for them all so I figured it didn't matter. She's a brahma and I only put 10 eggs under her and one of thems a bantam. So I didn't think 4 dummies extra for a day would matter too much.
It's official....2 beautiful baby girls...Barnevelder roo/Cal Grey hen sex link cross....all black, no head spot, and some lovely dark brown bleed through.

The brown egg was a no go as was suspicion all along. It had no chick developed only yellow egg yolk.

Momma Silkie and babies are doing fine even with Aunty Bantam Cochins pushing through the barrier and snuggling with momma when they came in to roost. (I did remove Aunties again for the night as I don't trust one of them to be kind to the chicks until I observe her better...she chased the chicks last time when I tried to reintroduce them after a bad hatching and incubating them for a few days....and she had hatched them!)

But 2 beautiful baby girls, all active, lively, and momma calling them to come back under when I checked tonight (day 22) to clean up and count. The Queen Mum is such a good momma.

Happy New Year!

She doesn't peck. I was worried about disturbing her. Didn't see the point when I can probably get them tomorrow when she gets off for water. She's got plenty of space under her for them all so I figured it didn't matter. She's a brahma and I only put 10 eggs under her and one of thems a bantam. So I didn't think 4 dummies extra for a day would matter too much.

That can be a good plan to count, clean, and check tomorrow when she's up for water...but she may sit tight for a couple of days with the newly hatched ones.

As long as the "dummies" don't encourage her to sit longer than she should, cleaning when she gets up should be fine.

It's official....2 beautiful baby girls...Barnevelder roo/Cal Grey hen sex link cross....all black, no head spot, and some lovely dark brown bleed through.

The brown egg was a no go as was suspicion all along. It had no chick developed only yellow egg yolk.

Momma Silkie and babies are doing fine even with Aunty Bantam Cochins pushing through the barrier and snuggling with momma when they came in to roost. (I did remove Aunties again for the night as I don't trust one of them to be kind to the chicks until I observe her better...she chased the chicks last time when I tried to reintroduce them after a bad hatching and incubating them for a few days....and she had hatched them!)

But 2 beautiful baby girls, all active, lively, and momma calling them to come back under when I checked tonight (day 22) to clean up and count. The Queen Mum is such a good momma.

Happy New Year!


Congratulations!!! that is wonderful!

Can't wait for the pictures!
She doesn't peck. I was worried about disturbing her. Didn't see the point when I can probably get them tomorrow when she gets off for water. She's got plenty of space under her for them all so I figured it didn't matter. She's a brahma and I only put 10 eggs under her and one of thems a bantam. So I didn't think 4 dummies extra for a day would matter too much.

She seems happy today so I got the dummy eggs out from under her. I assume she will get herself up to eat?

Waiting a day to remove the eggs sounded fine since she wasn't crowded and it reduced her stress...glad she is settled so well for you. She should get herself up every day or two for food, water, stretch, poo and maybe a dust bath. They do pretty well if just left to their own instincts as long as they have adequate shelter

This is our silkie that decided to go broody on us a few weeks ago, unfortunately I did not mark the calendar, or keep track of candling. Also, she started out with 7 eggs, we lost 1 couldn't figure out what happened to it, then when I was cleaning up on Monday or Tuesday this week, my little dog decided she wanted to go in there, I snatched her out but it was too late, and she had already cracked an egg, so I didn't think I could saran wrap it as it was pretty cracked with a hole. So I took it inside and took a look inside, and the baby wasn't moving :( and it looked like it needed another 1 1/2 weeks to finish growing. So I figured the others need about that long, or maybe that baby just stopped growing, but now we had moved her and the remaining 5 eggs inside the house, with safety of the cage, to finish out the week. And there it is, already 1 hatched, now I just hope the other 4 are viable, as I said, I didn't candle, and I don't want to disturb anymore! Momma hasn't got off the eggs since Wednesday! So maybe that is a good sign?
Oh, and none of them are her eggs, they are mostly Barred Rock and Buff Orps, maybe there was a Welsummer or RIR, hens and the roos were Barred Rock, Egyptian and one that I am not sure, looked like Red Cap but legs were wrong color, but sure was a pretty boy! (What makes this hatch special and crucial is that just after she went broody, a coyote payed us a visit in the afternoon and took our 3 main roosters and 5 of our hens ended up missing as well).
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