Broody Hen Thread!

Hey 16 paws LTNS! What's up?

I agree, you don't want to push your luck, but eggs are surprisingly forgiving. I have a Welsummer hen who hatched 8 of 8 eggs three weeks ago. She escaped her broody pen and plopped herself down on a neighboring nesting box for anywhere from 2-4 hours. The eggs were chilled but not cold. I did a quick candling after I got her settled back on her eggs and saw movement in 3. Recandled after they had a chance to warm up and saw movement in 7. All hatched on time. Mom just went back to the flock and her babies are now with the 11 chicks I hatched in my incubator the end of Feb.

Any pics???????
Just been laying low for a while trying not to hatch anything! That didnt work so well.....

Just hatched 4 baby Seramas with 3 mommies! 1 Hen is looking after one and two hens are sharing the three. I always say to separate but these two mamas wanted to do it all together. Brood and raise the chicks. I watched them carefully after hatching and no fights so I let them co-mother. I tried to put the third mother in with them but she wanted nothing to do with the two mamas and started fighting them so she is off by herself with her one little fluffy bum.
Never know whats going to happen with these broodies do ya?
I was glad to see your still around
Yep, still kicking! I didn't catch anything major over winter but did manage to slip on ice outside my bantam pen and brake a rib. I never do things by half, lol.

I put my 6 week olds and my 3 week olds together when momma went back to the flock two days ago and put two Welsummer cockerels with the babies. Those boys adopted those babies and took care of them until today when I swapped them out for my two OEGB cockerels and pullets. The pullets naturally turned into little witches and pecked everyone into their proper place but the boys took over and were finding them tidbits.

These are my incubator babies at 2-3 weeks. All are OEGBs

This is Turtle who was the first one out of the shell and a little cockerel. He set with the shell on his back for about 3 hours before I took it off for him.

I've got to get some pictures of Dolly's babies. She wouldn't let me get close enough to handle them or take pictures. That little hen was the best broody and mother. But boy when she was done with those babies she was done. One day she had them out in the pen scratching around the dirt with them and the next day she was pecking them and picking them up by their neck feathers. I was glad the roosters were willing to foster them for her when she went back to being a hen. I was hoping that she would stay with them another week but nope wasn't to be. Thankfully we are into spring now and the temps have stabilized so if they can stay away from the two pullets, they should do fine. DH did take a movie of them for me but I don't think he has uploaded it yet. I'll see if he can get that done.
OK thanks all who replied to give words of encouragement here! I really do appreciate it! So glad also to hear it might not be the end of the world for me to lift her and take a peek too. I've only peeked twice but of course will again in the morning of day 22 tomorrow to see if anything is going on. Sounds silly but like Microchick stated, my Silkie is a VERY determined little broody and she has gone broody so many times in her 3 years of life that I just want her to get the joy of having some babies. So it's both for me and also because I don't want little Splashie to have her heart broken! I will definitely post updates. Thank you again.

And Microchick - Turtle is about the cutest thing ever and what a perfect name!
Thank you, Mysterychick. Turtle has turned out to be one of the friendliest of the 11. His coloring is quite different from his solid black color when he was wet with a lot of lining on his face. All of my OEGB chicks and grown birds have come from an Amish neighbor who has them on his farm. He likes their independence and free ranges them so they are all color combinations. This is my little cockerel, Pepper. I found out later that the Amish farmer who has the original stock also had a Cochin rooster at some point. I knew those feathered legs had to come from something other than an OEGB. He said they have a chick pop up every now and then with the feather stubble on the legs.

Thank you, Mysterychick. Turtle has turned out to be one of the friendliest of the 11. His coloring is quite different from his solid black color when he was wet with a lot of lining on his face. All of my OEGB chicks and grown birds have come from an Amish neighbor who has them on his farm. He likes their independence and free ranges them so they are all color combinations. This is my little cockerel, Pepper. I found out later that the Amish farmer who has the original stock also had a Cochin rooster at some point. I knew those feathered legs had to come from something other than an OEGB. He said they have a chick pop up every now and then with the feather stubble on the legs.
I Now your making me courious what will be in my little brood of chicks I have a dutch game hen with cochin Roo I have 10 little birds now all with feathered legs but the signature markings (chipmunk) of a Dutch the Roo has the colorings of a Dutch Roo so now reading your post I'm a bit courious as to what they will turn out looking like!!
There are those who would gasp and say sacrilege but at day 22, I'd have flashlight in had and bee peeking all over the place.

Well GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
ZERO pipping this morning. Went to sporting games, came home and found this <3. The other egg hasn't pipped yet.
This is a baby buff Silkie from nice quality stock. So exciting!

It might sound silly, but I am just so happy with one. I am going to be chill about egg #2 now. I will probably peek tomorrow afternoon, but I am going to leave the mama and baby alone in peace for a bit now. I seriously wanted this super sweet splash Silkie mama to get her baby and I am so relieved! I'd so love a second chick and I am now a bit hopeful, but one will work for now!
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Hi! im new to this thread and have quit the story to tell! So last summer i had bought 5 Jersey Giant hens just for egg laying and some brahmas in hopes that some of them would go broody this spring. though i've heard that most hens that come from online hatcheries dont go broody, welp one of my Jersey giants decided to throw that all in the trash and went broody, i was completely surprised because Jersey giants arent known for going broody AND she came from a hatchery. but im not complaining
shes been in her nest all day and only comes out to eat/drink and take a dust bath here the sweet lil' thing


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