Broody Hen Thread!

My 1yr old austra has not gone broody, but I don't expect her to, because she's a hatchery bird.

The broody is a Swedish Flower Hen. The rooster is a Salmon Faverolles. So far she's hatched: 2 lavender Ameraucana, 1 Basque, 1 blue-egg bearded EE, 1 SFH and 1 SF (I think this was a stolen egg). There are 2 more SF eggs under her. One is cold and I think not viable. The other has pipped and is still moving and peeping.

ETA: based on looks and timing, I'm 90% sure the black chicks are from the Lav Amer. These Favaucana chicks have 5 toes too!

so eciting - my austra whites were hatchery birds and we went away and came back to 2 broody hens and one that had gotten out (we found her dead a couple of days later but she suvived for awhile
) my hens hatched 13/15 eggs and we ended up with 9 roosters and 4 hens lol so typical...! also our hen tried to steal some eggs but we soon realised and luckily our rooster hadnt made them fertile! any way when the chicks went into the coop they were pecking the poor hen so we had to move her
good luck with the chicks! they are so cute also i need some opinions on guinea fowl - apparently they are mean and noisy so we may get rid of them when they are old enough but at the moment they are stil eggs and are a week along so
here is hoping!!!
Well, we put a board in the nesting boxes to separate her but, they still get into that one as well.

hey guys! we have a dog crate that is 1 and 1/2 meters long and 1 meter high and we move her food and water to one end so she gets up to excersise her muscles and she tips her food over and just scratches in it - also we give her poridge and anything nutritional if y'all heard what else they get you would probably say they are spoiled!!!! anyway if you have a dog crate put her in that and let her have a bit of light and a bit of dark (our hens food is in the light and her nest is in the dark
good luck!
Can someone help me? I have a Silkie hen who just turned one year old and we are in our third round of broodiness. It seems she is following a pattern: she lays a lot of eggs for two weeks then becomes broody, we break her within about two weeks, she lays for two weeks, then she becomes broody again. Is it normal for broodiness to occur this frequently?

you could try putting a chick under her to raise i know it means 3-4 weeks of no eggs but it could break her - our hen was broody for 4 months and then we gave her eggs she is 7 days along and happy. is your silkie a good broody as in does she let you look underneath her and still go back to the eggs - ours does and she goes broody every 2nd month so she is going to be our hatcher - we are trying duck eggs next time
my austra whites were hatchery birds and we went away and came back to 2 broody hens and one that had gotten out (we found her dead a couple of days later but she suvived for awhile:/ ) my hens hatched 13/15 eggs and we ended up with 9 roosters and 4 hens lol so typical...!  also our hen tried to steal some eggs but we soon realised and luckily our rooster hadnt made them fertile! any way when the chicks went into the coop they were pecking the poor hen so we had to move her:) good luck with the chicks! they are so cute also i need some opinions on guinea fowl - apparently they are mean and noisy so we may get rid of them when they are old enough but at the moment they are stil eggs and are a week along so:fl here is hoping!!!

Sorry to hear about your loss. It's always hard to lose one. But I'm glad she at least have you some babies!

What did you do with all the extra Roos? I'm not sure what my rate is, but I'm pretty sure at least 2 of them are boys. It will be hard to tell early on because most of them are all mixed breeds, and even their purebred parents were breeds that were hard to sex young.
Today I am the world's worst chicken owner... I accidentally left a water bucket in Princess's little pen that wasn't supposed to be there, and I forgot to take it out with me. One of her chicks drowned in it.
Now she just has one baby.
Today I am the world's worst chicken owner... I accidentally left a water bucket in Princess's little pen that wasn't supposed to be there, and I forgot to take it out with me. One of her chicks drowned in it.
Now she just has one baby.

Oh, that's so sad! But don't worry, you aren't the worst. There are so many things that can befall a chick...

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