Broody Hen Thread!

That's great!  Glad to hear that they can successfully brood into older age.  Mine is 4 this year and each year I wonder if she'll raise chicks again.  :)

Yes true!
This girl only went broody when she was a young pullet and had a similar amount of chicks(18 oe 16) I can't recall my memory that's years ago! And now she did it again!
And guess what she is more careful with her babies than every pullet i set! Pullets are crazy sometimes and they don't pay attention to every chick whith a large brood, but this girl delicately takes care of every single one,
watching her steps very carefully, moving really slowly! She's a wize old girl! Well not OLD( she might get mad of me if say that, because she's a girl right?) :D
How is the cold bath thing working?

It Usually works?! But those determined girls had their second bath and still dried themselves and back to nesst!!!! Ahhggghh they're driving me coocoo banas! I need their eggs right now! We already let 4 broodies hatch! Tow of those were given to our auties, one is with us and the 4th one is the 8year old who hatched yesterday.... So not getting much eggs and our few customers are getting upset :/ we only sell eggs to specific people just so they pay for their feed.
We're not even having enough eggs for ourselves! So I really need to break them and it's already summer, toward the end of laying season :( i will try bathing tomorrow for the last time, if they don't break i will try building them a broody breaker :/ I'm so frustrated...
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We've had three go broody since January and a couple more making noises about it and I am bouncing off the walls as it is, I can't imagine 14!

I kinda over thought the situation.. I really only want four good broodys.. Egg production is WAY down, but it has been fun shuffling everything, making room and watching all the babies with momma's running around...

So coming in September I'll have many chickens for sale, including lots of broodys lol
I am thrilled to have had 3 broody hens adopt chicks from the incubator. These chicks are thriving as well. Seem so much smarter.

Hens were French Black Copper Maran and an Amerecauna from the laying coop so they knew each other and are shared parents. The other one I did first is alone with 14 and she is an English Black Orpington. Love seeing them crawl all over the mama's back.


The Orp mama does fine mingling with the other hens and even a roo when they are all out. But she stands guard.
I have a coop question for all you experienced broody wranglers: I have a first time broody (first time for both of us). I also have a loft style coop with a ramp down to the run. Coop is a good 3' off the ground. Should I be worried about the chicks and that ramp? If so, what do I do? Should I make up a broody box down in the run and try and move her?
Yes. I think the broody box needs to be easily accessible to the chicks for food and water. If they fell it would cause injury. I have to change feeders and waterers. And in mixed ages everybody has to get chicken starter.
Yes. I think the broody box needs to be easily accessible to the chicks for food and water. If they fell it would cause injury. I have to change feeders and waterers. And in mixed ages everybody has to get chicken starter.

My whole flock is on grower/all flock. I will obviously have to put out chick feeders and waterers though. I will try setting up a broody box in the covered part of the run under the loft. Not sure what I'll do if she declines to use it and insists on staying in the nesting box. If it isn't one thing with the chooks, it's another ...
Perhaps put a barrier up that is a little higher until they hatch and then move them to the ground level. She won't reject them at that point. The hens can still get in and out but it will hold the chicKS till they all hatch if you keep an eye on them.
I have a coop question for all you experienced broody wranglers: I have a first time broody (first time for both of us). I also have a loft style coop with a ramp down to the run. Coop is a good 3' off the ground. Should I be worried about the chicks and that ramp? If so, what do I do? Should I make up a broody box down in the run and try and move her?

All of our coops are raised and I just let them hatch their eggs in them anyway. After they hatch and are up and moving around well, I make a decision about what to do. I've seen 2 day olds happily follow mom right down the ramp. Sometimes they are too scared and I have to pick them up and put them down in the run. It usually takes them a lot more time to figure out how to get back in. I usually set up a dog crate (chick proofed of course!) or other safe place for them in the run. Mom just settles down there with them at night. I have one mom right now that gathers up her chicks at dusk and waits for me to put them in the coop for her. It's very sweet! Just make sure that the ramp is secured well. You don't want mom to accidentally knock it down and squash chicks.

Our silkie hens are hatching chicks today! I saw 3 little heads peaking out from under their feathers. Very sweet! I have 2 EEs and an australorp that hatched chicks last week. 2 more hatched chicks back in April. One of those has been bringing her chicks in to roost at night for a couple weeks. She was in a nest box today laying an egg. The other mom is still babying her chicks and still insists on sleeping with them in the run... Both hatched their chicks on the same day. It has been funny to watch their vastly different parenting techniques. One more EE and a black sex link are still on eggs...

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