Broody Hen Thread!

I just had two eggs hatch (well three, but one died) under a broody hen. I removed the chicks and put them in a brooder. Is that bad? I wasn't sure how they'd get to food and water in the nest box and didn't want them to starve. I also wasn't sure how to make sure the hen eats layer food while the babies eat starter food. So they are now separated. Will my hen stay broody because she's missing her chicks? Will the chicks know how to eat and drink (I dipped their beaks in the water)?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I just had two eggs hatch (well three, but one died) under a broody hen. I removed the chicks and put them in a brooder. Is that bad? I wasn't sure how they'd get to food and water in the nest box and didn't want them to starve. I also wasn't sure how to make sure the hen eats layer food while the babies eat starter food. So they are now separated. Will my hen stay broody because she's missing her chicks? Will the chicks know how to eat and drink (I dipped their beaks in the water)?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Unless the chicks are in a dangerous situation in the nest box they are in they don't need to be removed. And even if it is an elevated box the hen and chicks can all be moved to a safe spot on the floor so they can stay together. Chicks don't need food or water for first 2 days, or even 3, which I think is mother nature's way to make sure the babies are OK while they wait for 'slower' eggs to hatch, then they can all leave the nest together with the hen.
The hen can eat chick starter food without problem, she doesn't need layer food when she is broody because she doesn't need the extra calcium it provides when she isn't laying eggs anyway. She won't start laying again until she is done being broody, so she can just share the food with the chicks.
Unless you have a specific need to break her broody mood you may still be able to establish a safe nesting area at floor level for her and reintroduce the chicks to her in the dark by sliding them under her.
Hope it all works out for you.
Unless the chicks are in a dangerous situation in the nest box they are in they don't need to be removed. And even if it is an elevated box the hen and chicks can all be moved to a safe spot on the floor so they can stay together. Chicks don't need food or water for first 2 days, or even 3, which I think is mother nature's way to make sure the babies are OK while they wait for 'slower' eggs to hatch, then they can all leave the nest together with the hen.
The hen can eat chick starter food without problem, she doesn't need layer food when she is broody because she doesn't need the extra calcium it provides when she isn't laying eggs anyway. She won't start laying again until she is done being broody, so she can just share the food with the chicks.
Unless you have a specific need to break her broody mood you may still be able to establish a safe nesting area at floor level for her and reintroduce the chicks to her in the dark by sliding them under her.
Hope it all works out for you.
But is it bad to separate them? Will it be harmful to either the babies or the mother?
But is it bad to separate them? Will it be harmful to either the babies or the mother?
No physical harm that I know of, but often chicks that are raised with a broody have an easier time integrating into the flock later. The broody may continue to sit on her nest, thinking that she still needs to hatch eggs and if you don't break her from her broody mood it can effect her health because she will continue to not eat or move around as she normally should.

Do some research on here about raising a chick in a brooder vs a broody and then decide what you want to do. I know there have been threads addressing just that issue before.
No physical harm that I know of, but often chicks that are raised with a broody have an easier time integrating into the flock later. The broody may continue to sit on her nest, thinking that she still needs to hatch eggs and if you don't break her from her broody mood it can effect her health because she will continue to not eat or move around as she normally should.

Do some research on here about raising a chick in a brooder vs a broody and then decide what you want to do. I know there have been threads addressing just that issue before.
How does one "break" a broody hen?
OMG... The Serema hen is broody I believe... Too funny!!! She thinks she some sort of bad girl who's gone whoop my butt if i hurt her... Her squawks are just adorable....
My only Q is, can she even *hatch* eggs? Any ever have a small sized Serema hatch out eggs? I think she can fit 2... She doesn't even weigh half a pound.
We have some eggs in the bator, when/if they hatch I know I can fit a dozen chicks under her, they are TINY when they're that young!
Anywho too cute. I was hoping for some Broodie's !!
I believe you're right... I set a turkey egg under her and it almost fit..

Cochin egg and serema egg

And oh my Jesus Christ what have I cursed myself with?!?! I offered the turkey her egg cause I was wondering why she wasn't done laying (she's usually pretty fast) and she very happily shoved it under her.... Gosh. I can order turkey eggs (she's a broad breasted white AND we butchered the Tom a while ago), but not sure if I can trust her... Certainly can't put anything weaker then a turkey or goose or maybe an emu egg under her... She weighs 40lbs and can do some damage to her own eggs with her claws!! Never cracked any but still.....
Ill wait till tonight, see if both of them are still determined. If so, I can seperate the Serema (should I move the turkey? She's in her own corner and no one messes with her ) and order my turkey eggs.. Still... 40lb hen mom! No one would beat those poults ! Hah!
I have had a broody chicken Lily. Om her first episode she was broody for 6 weeks! Then for a couple of days she wasn't broody. Then she was broody again. If you want to stop broody chickens Make a pen or block off a section of the coop. MAKE SURE THERE IS NO BEDING ON THE FLOOR SO SHE WON'T WANT TO SIT ON THE EGG! Put her ing for 24 hours. Then let her with the other chickens. If she runs back to her egg box or if she is still broody, put her back in the Broody Buster for a couple of day. Trust me , this should work. I tried EVERYTHING but when I tried this , it worked!

Last year my least friendly hen went broody. I thought we were going to have rodeo on my hands, but luckly she would only cluck when I would lift her up to get eggs. She would hide eggs under her wings so I couldn't have them. This went on several weeks so I put some ferterlized eggs under her and she hatched four chicks. Now she is my nicest hen. This year she has made up her mind to raise babies again and this has been going on for a couple weeks, so I gave in and ordered some eggs. So we will see how it turns out.

Pick of Red with her baby Uno

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