Broody Hen Thread!

Like everyone else said, seems good, but u need know for sure bout them crazy hormones. If her hormones DO kick in full throttle, u will def know it. Lol She sounds like she's trying to find that, what feels right under her. Is her chest/belly area plucked? I've had one and no eggs to give her, so I just added a bunch of plastic Easter eggs. It was enough to make her not feel like she needed more eggs, and she started setting full time.

She plucked some feathers and perfectly put them in a beautiful nest made out of hay. She never has made one before. It's crazy how she had them placed the feathers. I will check her chest when I get home. I also took ball out again just to see. So maybe I will put it back and add one tomorrow. Then she would have 5 eggs and two balls. Maybe set her off. I defitily need to learn the process. Thank you for all your help. I'll be back :) any more info is welcome
Well the golf ball is definitely back In nest for the second time. I put another one close and cleaned coop just in case she starts soon. I didn't touch her nest just the layer boxes around the ones he has picked. I have been watching her and she runs up the stairs checks her eggs. Then goes and free ranges. So I'll just sit back see what happens. Since our rooster died last week she won't be fertile to much longer. They were like newlyweds :) he was beautiful so I'm crossing my fingers!
I think I will attempt a graft, I've never done it before but I have read about other's successes. I will have to attempt to move her first though to my broody/chick pen. She is in with all of the hens now (in the favorite nest box, of course), and I'm not sure how they would do with two baby chicks in their midst. 

A couple of suggestions... you can graft the little ones where the broody has chosen to sit. If you move her she will most likely be agitated and not in the best mindset to accept chicks. Once you give her the chicks and they have a couple of hours together she will be much easier to move.
I have done my grafting during the day with success for a number of reasons. (though I know many have great success with night grafting)
I find out when the feed store is getting the shipment of chicks and am there when they are delivered or shortly after. This means the chicks don't have time to get used to the bright light in the brooder bin at the store and they are a day old or less, I then take the chicks home and place them immediately under the broody...some folks give them a bit of vitamin water or save-a-chick before placing but that is a personal choice. During the day you can block other flock members out for a while and you can hang around and watch for any problems. Much of the ease of grafting is dependent on the hen. A rare one may be strange and not accepting of the chicks, most will be good with day olds and some great broody hens will take any orphan you can fit under them!

So decide if day or night grafting options seem more suitable for your situation and go from there....

Good luck!
I haven't been able to get any day old chicks yet, so no graft attempt so far! She is dutifully stuck to the nest, but since she is in the favorite box the other hens are pecking her comb a little. I think my feed store is getting a shipment of day old chicks in today, I'm going to call as soon as they open, and if so go pick them up right away. They aren't on a set schedule anymore since it is getting later in the season. If they don't have any, there is a swap meet this weekend, but I would rather get sexed chicks. If they are straight run I might as well give her eggs! I will update on how she does, thanks for the advice!
I know I'm probably driving everyone crazy! With my excitement. Like I already said I have been moving the golf ball... Well I put 2bd one in this morning before I left. She moved it on in and laid her 5 th egg plus her two golf balls. I was trying to research since she has old game in her and she was raised by her mom for a few days if that helps. I hope this works she's only got a few fertile eggs left.
Question on moving my broody hen. In the past I've moved broodies by placing them in a box at night. My current broody has been a very flighty hen when it comes to being disturbed. I wasn't sure how she would do sitting on eggs but she lets me turn the eggs under her and get them to candle without much fuss. I haven't moved her into a separate brooding house because not sure if her flightyness might kick in. This is her first hatch and she is currently in the hen house on 3 eggs in a nest about 1 1/2 ft off the ground. The eggs are due to hatch in 3days. Do I risk moving her now or should I wait until the chicks hatch???? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Question on moving my broody hen. In the past I've moved broodies by placing them in a box at night. My current broody has been a very flighty hen when it comes to being disturbed. I wasn't sure how she would do sitting on eggs but she lets me turn the eggs under her and get them to candle without much fuss. I haven't moved her into a separate brooding house because not sure if her flightyness might kick in. This is her first hatch and she is currently in the hen house on 3 eggs in a nest about 1 1/2 ft off the ground. The eggs are due to hatch in 3days. Do I risk moving her now or should I wait until the chicks hatch???? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I have done both,
moved them and let them stay. I did not have good results moving them. It turned into a disaster in fact.
Had to throw out the eggs and start over. You will get other opinions but this is what I have learned.
Do not move them and block off the nest box so other hens cannot disturb the hatch. Here is a picture of my broody that just finished hatching last night. This nest box is 2 feet off the ground. I just added chicken wire to the front and stapled it on. When I need to reach in there, I still can thru the top and that opening is covered with the curtains.

Good luck on your hatch!
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I haven't been able to get any day old chicks yet, so no graft attempt so far! She is dutifully stuck to the nest, but since she is in the favorite box the other hens are pecking her comb a little. I think my feed store is getting a shipment of day old chicks in today, I'm going to call as soon as they open, and if so go pick them up right away. They aren't on a set schedule anymore since it is getting later in the season. If they don't have any, there is a swap meet this weekend, but I would rather get sexed chicks. If they are straight run I might as well give her eggs! I will update on how she does, thanks for the advice!
Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
I would leave her be since she has gotten this far. @amcconnell

@Angie16hearts if she is going to set she should be getting close. Even if she lays a few eggs that aren't fertile you'll just have to toss them when you candle.
Could I trouble you all for some help?

I have a broody hen who has been sitting on 11 eggs for 13 days. This morning I went to check on her and found her pacing in an agitated state around her pen. Three out of the eleven eggs were gone - smashed, and run all over the other eggs, presumably during the night. I have no idea if the eggs exploded, or if she ate/destroyed them. The remaining eggs are now coated with set, rotten egg. They, and the nest, smells like death.

In a panic and not sure what to do, I quickly whipped the remaining eggs from the nest, pulled out the sodden hay, flung in some fresh hay and put the remaining eggs back into the nest. I did not wipe them as the rotten egg had set on them, and I didn't want to do any more harm.

While I was doing this, Broody barged past me and into the main pen to be with the others. She was eating like crazy, grumbling and tried to run for the door, which I blocked off! (We have to do some health checks on our girls this morning, so no-one is allowed outside yet!) Eventually she made her way back to the nest and sat on the eggs again. How long she will stay there I don't know.

I was so excited, and now I feel nothing but bitter disappointment. Is there any hope for the remaining eggs? Should I do/have done something differently? Any ideas on what happened here? I am at a loss....

I guess if she leaves the nest there is nothing to be done about it.

- Krista

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