Broody Hen Thread!

Im guessing this is where to post this question? I have a few broody hens. I have let them sit on their clutch for the past few weeks or so. Now i have a baby chick. Shes taking to it but my question is do i let her raise it or will it starve with her? Its off the ground a few feet in the box with mama inside our coup. There are few other hens that went broody about same time but i have not checked under them. I jyst happened to see this guy. Theres no way a predator can get them other than a bear or something of that nature. But i do let them free range when im home. Advice is welcome thanks
Our newest mom! Her chicks hatched yesterday and today she took them out to explore.

She is beautiful!

Im guessing this is where to post this question? I have a few broody hens. I have let them sit on their clutch for the past few weeks or so. Now i have a baby chick. Shes taking to it but my question is do i let her raise it or will it starve with her? Its off the ground a few feet in the box with mama inside our coup. There are few other hens that went broody about same time but i have not checked under them. I jyst happened to see this guy. Theres no way a predator can get them other than a bear or something of that nature. But i do let them free range when im home. Advice is welcome thanks

I think this is just up to you, no real right or wrong. I would definitely relocate mama and baby to floor level before baby takes a tumble though.

#7 hatched last night and #8 pipped! I can hardly believe all 8 are actually going to hatch, I just hope #8 is a quick hatcher ;) before mama decides to get up. I've had some hatch within 2 hours of pipping and 2 who took almost an entire day!

Our only purebred of the group, buff orpington

Mama's sectioned off area in the coop
Last night I finished my new broody pen. It's a good sized pen. Half of it would have been plenty of room for them. I figured I'd try moving my 7 five week olds into the pen too. So I put them in first, then the broodies' chicks, then the broodies. I watched them for a while and then checked them again a couple hours later. The one hen didn't care one bit about the older chicks. But the other hen has been getting a little aggressive the past few days. She must have mistook one of her chicks for one of the older ones because I found this:

I already moved the chick to the brooder with a chick that hatched this morning. What should I put on the chick's neck? I have triple antibiotic ointment. Would that work?
Last night I finished my new broody pen. It's a good sized pen. Half of it would have been plenty of room for them. I figured I'd try moving my 7 five week olds into the pen too. So I put them in first, then the broodies' chicks, then the broodies. I watched them for a while and then checked them again a couple hours later. The one hen didn't care one bit about the older chicks. But the other hen has been getting a little aggressive the past few days. She must have mistook one of her chicks for one of the older ones because I found this:

I already moved the chick to the brooder with a chick that hatched this morning. What should I put on the chick's neck? I have triple antibiotic ointment. Would that work?

Yes, triple antibiotic ointment will work as long as it does NOT have pain relief....anything with -caine suffix can be toxic to poultry.

Just keep it clean and away from any other birds, they will pick at that wound.
Birds can heal up pretty well even from a wound that bad.
Last night I finished my new broody pen. It's a good sized pen. Half of it would have been plenty of room for them. I figured I'd try moving my 7 five week olds into the pen too. So I put them in first, then the broodies' chicks, then the broodies. I watched them for a while and then checked them again a couple hours later. The one hen didn't care one bit about the older chicks. But the other hen has been getting a little aggressive the past few days. She must have mistook one of her chicks for one of the older ones because I found this:

I already moved the chick to the brooder with a chick that hatched this morning. What should I put on the chick's neck? I have triple antibiotic ointment. Would that work?

Blu-kote is what I always use on injuries. I always have 2 cans at home just in case 1 goes dry.
Poor baby :( hope she heals well

We had a rough day, mama kept moving off egg #8 that pipped this morning and then I came back and saw that either mama or the babies had pecked at the egg and it had blood. I put it back for a bit and then decided to step in and did an assisted hatch, thankfully chick #8 is doing awesome now. My 3rd easter egger/orpington...all of which are yellow with black spots! I thought with my easter egger being so dark at least one would be. 1 has a single comb, no muffs, 1 has a single comb with muffs and the other one has a pea comb and muffs...really hope that one is a girl!

Here is our newest addition!
When I found it earlier

Assisted hatch

And now
I used to use granulex on deep cuts on my goats because it cleans it out and seals it. But I would have to order that online and it's kind of expensive.
Nessie's second hatch of the year is on day 19 and we just found a baby chick hatched out of the shell completely. It's not dry yet, but seems strong and is actually up and poking it's head out from under her wing. I hope this is okay. It just seems so early, although we've had temps well into the triple digits here the last few weeks. Maybe this affected the growth?
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