Broody Hen Thread!

The hen might take the eggs but dont put them under her put them in front of her while she is sitting down and if she rolls the eggs under her then let her hatch them. If she doesnt put them back in the incubator. How many days do the eggs have until they hatch?

4 more days, tomorrow is day 18. If i put another hens egg in front of her she quickly moves it under her.
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Quick question for y'all.

My Aggie's babies will be 8 weeks old this next weekend and I'm thinking ahead and trying to prepare to merge them with the main flock by the time they are 10 weeks old. Right now the layers are eating a standard layer crumble with oyster shell on the side and the juveniles are still on chick starter.

Just how do you handle the feed when you have young pullets and cockerels mixed with adult birds? The hens need the layer mix and well, the youngsters don't.

Mom weaned and went back to the flock when her chicks were just 4 weeks old and since the weather was still pretty much on the winter side of spring, I kept them under a brooder light until last week. They have been going outside in their own pen since they were 3 weeks old but since Aggie got enough of them early on they never really had a chance to merge with the flock with her as their guardian. They are sharing the pen with their genetic moms, dads, aunties and uncles, chicken wire separating them so I'm hoping for a smooth transition.
@microchick If you have oyster shell available for your layers you should be able to use an all flock crumble/pellet. That's what I use when I don't have babies in the flock.
Thanks katatonic123. That would just figure. I bought 100 pounds of ADM layer crumbles at ye old Amish Feed store today. I usually use MFA feed but with the main road to town closed for bridge construction I can't get to the nearest MFA without going about 7 miles out of my way.

How are the chicks doing?
I would like to introduce my 12 week old 'chicks' to the rest of my flock. Mamma hen left them at 8 weeks to go and join the rest of the girls. The young ones and my adults are in different places for the past 4-5 weeks so haven't been able to see each other. I don't know what will be the best way to introduce them to each other. The chicks are desparate to get out and free range. I know that ideally I would have had them out with mamma hen, but its taken me this long to set up a safe area where my cats won't be able to eat the babies. I've built a 1000sqft enclosure with electric fencing.
Hi all. This is such a great group ! Ihave so enjoyed the questions, answers, pictures and humor. You are all awesome!
Being a newbie to broodiness it ttook me a few days to realize she was broody. I butted a dog crate up to her nest and put in food and water and a curtain to keep her a little private.
she hatched 10 and i just left them in the cage inside the coop with everyone els for a few days. The chicks could could come and go and it almost looks like the others are actually helping out. The rooster (Merl) is very protective of his babies.

So far so good. Now if one more hen will get the idea!

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