Broody Hen Thread!

So I have a question for some to answer.

I have a broody bantam sitting on 5 eggs and they are all developing, even the double youlker. But when they hatch, I need to separate the mama hen and her chicks because I don't have enough space to let her raise them. And a friend is buying all the chicks. Will the mother stay broody or start laying again? Should I let her raise them for a week or so?
So I have a question for some to answer.

I have a broody bantam sitting on 5 eggs and they are all developing, even the double youlker. But when they hatch, I need to separate the mama hen and her chicks because I don't have enough space to let her raise them. And a friend is buying all the chicks. Will the mother stay broody or start laying again? Should I let her raise them for a week or so?

I am tender hearted---LOL, so I will remove all the chicks but one----gotta leave her one--LOL. then In a few weeks---when she wants to get away---I sell that one with others that size. I move all my broodies at or before I set the eggs under them---I do not like many "problems" or having to mark the eggs and look under her EVERY day to remove fresh layed eggs---so ALL my broodies are moved to a private hatching pens.
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Everyone! this will be a thread about broody hens! Post pics, tell stories, ask questions, suggest, ANYTHING!! /img/smilies/wee.gif

GOOOOO!!!!! /img/smilies/celebrate.gif/img/smilies/celebrate.gif

I have a silky who has been on eggs for about 2 weeks. I just leave her be. Earlier today I ran out to the coop when I heard her squawking. One of my australorp hens kicked her out of the box, laid an egg, then left. My very upset silkie quickly hoped on the eggs and tried to cover them.

Here's the problem. I separated her (and eggs) from the others and the are 15-20 eggs!!! Looks like they have been doing this every day. I have 5 hens. It's winter in Michigan still so my girls are just now starting to lay so I didn't notice eggs missing.

I candled them... All but 2 had babies growing at all different stages. What do I do????!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Someone help please.
I have a silky who has been on eggs for about 2 weeks. I just leave her be. Earlier today I ran out to the coop when I heard her squawking. One of my australorp hens kicked her out of the box, laid an egg, then left. My very upset silkie quickly hoped on the eggs and tried to cover them.

Here's the problem. I separated her (and eggs) from the others and the are 15-20 eggs!!! Looks like they have been doing this every day. I have 5 hens. It's winter in Michigan still so my girls are just now starting to lay so I didn't notice eggs missing.

I candled them... All but 2 had babies growing at all different stages. What do I do????!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Someone help please.

Wow that is a staggered hatch! I just learned about this the other day! If you let brood them, she will likely start abandoning eggs once chicks are born. So I don't think she can incubate them all. Do you have an incubator? Do you want or have the means to support that many chicks? That is quite the ordeal!!
I separated her (and eggs) from the others and the are 15-20 eggs!!! Looks like they have been doing this every day. I have 5 hens. It's winter in Michigan still so my girls are just now starting to lay so I didn't notice eggs missing.

I candled them... All but 2 had babies growing at all different stages. What do I do????!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Someone help please.

You said you separated her and the eggs??? If she was separated---how did the others get into her separated nest to lay???

This is like spilt milk----there is nothing you can do but do your best to clean up the mess. If you wanta try and save them----you gotta mark all the eggs and remove anymore daily that are not marked OR Make sure no other hens can get to her nest. You gotta get a incubator or a brooder or both. I would get a brooder, and every night with a dim light I would remove any hatched chicks and put them in the brooder, eventually she will get all the good eggs hatched. Then before you allow another one to set---learn by asking questions how the best way to set her etc. Good Luck
I have 2 incubators. We are building a huge coop, 12 by 16 so we will have room. Plus our 10 chicken coop we have now. I have 30 new chicks and 9 eggs incubating. Hatch day on them is today. This will be interesting since I don't know how old each egg is so I don't know when lockdown would be. Oh boy. What I get for thinking "Oh, she's got this".
I put her and her eggs in a large brooder in my basement away from the others. I thought she was fine since no one was bothering her. I had no idea the others were kicking her of her nest and laying in that box. My silkie is just a tiny thing compared to my australorps. Definitely know better now.
I put her and her eggs in a large brooder in my basement away from the others. I thought she was fine since no one was bothering her. I had no idea the others were kicking her of her nest and laying in that box. My silkie is just a tiny thing compared to my australorps. Definitely know better now.

Did she accept the move OK??

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