Broody hen with dirty eggs?


13 Years
Jul 3, 2008
Florence. South Carolina
I have my first Broody hen setting on eggs. I candled the eggs tonight Day 10 and all but 1 out 12 are developing. I noticed the eggs are dirty, should I try to clean them and replace the nesting hay or just let nature take it's corse and leave wll enough alone? I have read about dirty eggs getting to much bacteria and dieing during incubation that is why I am asking for help. Thanks!
DO NOT clean the eggs. Now that you know 11 are developing, the best thing to do is go fishing.
Mama hen will take it from here. When you have a good broody hen, the only thing you need to do is relax and enjoy the chicks.
Hello, rhewitt i know it has been a few years now but for any futer people who need help you can wash your dirty eggs with warm water! (not cold) warm water will not harm the bloom which prevents any bacteria from going in the eggs many people have done this and had most of there eggs hatch out, me myself has cleaned my chickens eggs with a cloth from dirt and i am proudly waiting for them to hatch in just a few weeks ill keep you guys updated if any eggs hatch...... if you have any other question you an ask me ill answer as soon as i can !! ;) :)

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