Broody hen with leg injury


5 Years
Sep 21, 2018
Clarkdale, Arizona
Okay, so here’s the story: Yesterday I picked up my broody hen to do a general health check and took her to the garage, where I could sit down and give her a thorough check. She got away from me on the way there, so I tried to corral her on the garage, which was already open. I went to close her in, and she tried to slip under as it was closing and the door came down HARD right in the middle of her. 😱😥 I feel like the most horrible, awful person in the world right now. 😭
I immediately checked her over and I haven’t felt any broken bones, and she didn’t walk abnormally or otherwise behave unusually afterward, but today she is definitely sore. She is limping on the right leg, looks like the injury is up by the thigh/hip area. I cannot afford a vet and X-rays for a chicken unfortunately. She is isolated, of course, and as comfortable as she can be for now. Is there anything else I can do for her?
Accidents happen it's ok! I would suggest just letting her rest for a few days and keep checking up on her. Update us in a few days and see how she's doing!
Accidents happen it's ok! I would suggest just letting her rest for a few days and keep checking up on her. Update us in a few days and see how she's doing!
Since she’s broody she doesn’t move much anyway. It seems very sore, but the leg feels strong. She pushes against my hand with it when I pick her up, she stands on it and she will walk on it but with a heavy limp. Hopefully it’s just soreness and not a broken femur or something. Poor baby. I just feel so awful…

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