Broody Hen


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2018

Relatively new to BYC. I have been reading a lot of other posts.

We took in 6 layers a few months ago. The all have been laying pretty consistently until recently, we have been getting 4-6 eggs a day. One of the younger hens have went broody and now we get maybe 1 a day. I recently found an egg outside in the leaves. Maybe there are others some where else.

They typically free range for most of the day and the last few weeks we have got a few snow storms which have kept them cooped up. And still no more than 1 or 2 eggs. They have been cooped up before and still laid.

Could she be preventing the others from laying? Beyond breaking the broody hen, any other ideas?


Relatively new to BYC. I have been reading a lot of other posts.

We took in 6 layers a few months ago. The all have been laying pretty consistently until recently, we have been getting 4-6 eggs a day. One of the younger hens have went broody and now we get maybe 1 a day. I recently found an egg outside in the leaves. Maybe there are others some where else.

They typically free range for most of the day and the last few weeks we have got a few snow storms which have kept them cooped up. And still no more than 1 or 2 eggs. They have been cooped up before and still laid.

Could she be preventing the others from laying? Beyond breaking the broody hen, any other ideas?

Sometimes colder weather can effect their laying
Cold weather will certainly have an affect, here it is the time of year the girls hide nests out. I will keep them in the coop until I see girls frantic to get out (usually between 9 AM and noon). I release them and follow them to the hidden nest/s! I cannot let them hide out like that to many predators!
Any hen who is setting, trying to set, or trying to hatch eggs is one less hen who will be available to lay eggs for you, that is if you want them to lay eggs. So if you desire eggs then by all means break this hen from wanting to set. That alone will up the egg count.
Sorry for jumping in on this thread, but I have a Orphington that is broody. If I lock her out of the nesting box, she simply sits where ever her big butt lands. She is loosing feathers as well. What do you mean by set, setting?? Same thing as broody? We also found an cracked egg below their perch when we let them out in the morning. Do broody hens ever go back to "normal"
If you don’t want a broody, I would suggest putting her in a broody buster. If you have one, or can get one, a wire dog kennel with no bedding, just food and water. Make sure that the bottom is also just wire (maybe turn the kennel upside down if you have to) so the air can circulate and cool her under side. Leave her there for a few days and then watch her when you let her out. Does she go back to the flock? If so, good news! You probably broke her broodiness. If not, back in the cage. Member @aart has good pics of their broody buster. You can do a search if they don’t chime in and post them.

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