Broody hen


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 2, 2013
I have a RIR hen that is broody and I need to figure out how to break her or if I should leave her be and nature will run it's course, and shell come back around??? We don't have any roosters so we won't get any chicks, I've been taken her out of the nest 2-3 times a day to make sure she is drinking and eating... She's obviously not laying eggs and she is laying on other hens eggs after they lay them... What should I do?
I'm going through the same exact issue with my EE. It's so annoying. I've done the keep removing her from the nesting box thing. I've had no luck. I've tried the cold bath. No luck. I'm making her a Broody cage. There are a ton of threads on here about this problem. Good luck.
I know. I'm going to try for three days at first and see if that helps. Most people try and if she goes broody again its back in the broody breaker. This is a lot of work!! LOL LOL LOL
Hey Messipaw, did your hen come around? Mine is stillllllll trying to hatch these eggs!!! I locked her up a few times for hours at a time but I feel bad for her and let her out! Someone help... What should I do?!
I have a Black Australorp that is brooding right now too. She has been brooding for weeks, and I was growing tired of kicking her off the nest everyday and worrying about her starving or dehydrating.

I went to a rummage sale yesterday and bought a dog crate (wire style) for $5.00, and had my husband tie it down tight on top of a couple saw horses, and made my own broody breaker. I have never done this before, the hens I've had in the past just get over it eventually, but this one seems determined to sit there all summer.

I am hoping this works. I've heard that you cannot have any nesting material in the cage, and something with a wire bottom works best. I put her in there yesterday and she seems ok, but she is still all fluffed up and clucking at me, so I know she is still crazed. (We call it "crazy girl syndrome" at my house, because it's crazy to sit on eggs that are never going to hatch!) I did put a tarp on top of the cage so I can pull it down at night, and it should keep her shaded if she needs that too.

Good luck with your hen, sometimes they do just get over it, but maybe they just need a little help other times.


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