Broody hen?


11 Years
Jul 30, 2008
One of our new hens is choosing to sit in the nesting box most of the day. I don't think she's laid an egg since she's been here (about 1 week). We're still working on getting a roost in the coop so could it be that she's just using the nesting box as a place to sleep?

We have two bucket nesting boxes in the coop and the other hen is completely uninterested in laying her eggs there...she's laid 3 and all have been in a little corner where she dug out a nest area.

Is this broody behavior or is she just resting in the nesting box?
A true broody hen will sit on her nest 24/7 only leaving, maybe, once a day to eat, drink, go poo and maybe take a very short stroll and then back to the nest she goes.

Broodies tend to fluff up and 'growl' at you when you reach toward them.
Hmmm...Every time I've gone to check on them she's in the box...for some reason she's turned the other way and when I gently touched her tail she high tailed it out, squawked at me and went back in the box after I shut the coop.

Is it even possible for a hen to go broody if she's not laying?
Sounds like a broody hen to me. Especially if she gets all "clucky" with you. I have a couple broodies and when they even hear me tiptoe up to the henhouse they start making their warning sounds- "Stay out there- we're happy here!" 'Course, since this hen is new in your flock, it's hard to tell for sure at this point. What breed is she?
A broody won't usually get up off the nest when you touch them. They will usually puff up their feathers and fuss at you. If she is always there and only leaving to eat and drink and going right back then I would say she is broody.
We think she's a silkie Americauna mix. I'm still not sure who is laying the eggs that we keep getting, but I'm feeling more positive that she isn't the source.

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