broody hens and more! I swear I pushed post last night?


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
So here I go again as I swear I pushed enter yesterday... but can't seem to find it...

The broodies now sitting on 7 standard mutt eggs because they went broody BEFORE I put in a roo for them.


The new lucky roo that get's to care for the two broodies after they finish with the chicks:


And the even luckier boy who get's a whole dozen girls to him self!


That all the ladies gossip about.

Now if someone can find me that post where I put these first, I'd really like to know where it went!
The silkies do have a tendency to just stand there...or sit there when broody... Hope these two make good parents! And I hope the big guy was doing his job because his girl's eggs are under them...
Thanks. My nails are actually really short right now. Normally I like to have them around the 1/4-3/8 inch length beyond the finger tips. Kind of hard to do when digging around in the dirt though!

The rooster is a good ol mutt. His dad was a blue cochin and his mom was a blue laced red wyandotte. A real nice guy.

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