Broody hybrid pullet


8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
I think my hybrid pullet who is about 30 weeks of age has gone broody.
She has been sitting in the nest since yesterday and has not moved. I went to her today and removed 4 eggs that she was sitting on, she went mad trying to peck me.
I thought it was rare for hybrids to go broody?
Anyway, I was thinking I might as well try and find her some hatching eggs and hatch out a few new birds, ready for fresh layers in the spring. As I did plan to replenish with new layers every year so that I get plenty of fresh eggs.
But seen as my neighbours do not like me keeping Cockerell due to the noise, I was thinking of getting a large, fast growing breed, so that any Cockerell that may hatch can be processed for meat before they start getting too noisy and neighbours start complaining.
Any suggestions on a good breed that is large and fast maturing?
Anyone have any input? Please.

Our Welsummer cockerel is a pretty fast grower. They're usually easy to distinguish within 3 or so weeks by their feather colors. At 10 weeks he was 2.64lbs, 13 weeks 4lbs, 16 weeks, 4.5lbs. We're trying the no-crow collars- though where we live it's more about keeping the crowing down for ourselves than the neighbors as we're looking for a cockerel the hens like and has nice manners with people... aggression = freezer camp.
From our random barnyard mix hatch (same thing, hen went broody, we got her some fertile eggs from a different farm as we have no active rooster, she hatched and raised them), one cockerel was obvious by that same 3 week point. He just turned 7 weeks old and already weighs 2.5lbs- caught him doing the wing shuffle dance to his sisters today. We haven't figured out what his breeding is beyond the list of possibles, but he's the type of bird that could likely create meaty boys along the way. I realize that doesn't help you much though.

Hopefully someone else will chime in with better ideas- if you find a local source to purchase fertile eggs from, they likely know their flock well enough to help select suitable crosses, or tell you that their flock won't meet your needs and perhaps recommend someone else they know. Good luck!

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