Broody leghorn?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
I have a leghorn that just started laying. I've read and been told that leghorns don't go broody all that often which is why I write this. I went out earlier today and she was in the nesting box. I figured she was laying. I went back later and she was still there. Ok, she's having a bit of a time, no problem. I went back at the end of the day and she was still there. I wanted to see what the problem was so I reached my hand in and, for lack of a better word, she yelled...growled...looked like some kind of freaky dinosaur,r:9,s:0&tx=78&ty=63. I tried to go for an egg and thought I would lose a finger. Is she broody and if so what do I do to make her....unbroody...I want my eggs!
Boy she sure sounds broody to me! Good luck breaking her. I have no luck breaking my game hens when they decide to sit... But, when I do, it takes a bit of trouble.

I always try and lower their body temp somehow. Make sure they're getting air flow to the belly. Also, seperate her. Get some gloves or socks on your hands and get her off the nest.

Solution B - hatching eggs! lol
if u have more than one nesting nox for your pin the other hens can still lay while the broody hen gets it out of her system
I lured her out with some scratch, tossed some in a separate area and closed the gate. She is now separated from the rest of them with no eggs to lay on. I'm hoping this will break her of it as I have no rooster so no little chicks will come of her brooding. I do have more than 1 nesting box but I wasn't worried about getting those eggs. She's got to get off some time. I was more wanting the eggs that she isn't laying :p
at first, when u said u didnt want a broody, i thought "***?! i WOULD LOVE a broody hen!" then u said u didnt have a rooster, so i thought "oh, well, that makes sense..." but still, i would LOVE a broody hen. u should put some chicks under her after a couple of weeks of her sitting on fake eggs. thats what i would do if i didnt have a rooster and if i had a broody. but i do have a rooster, and no broody hens. i have 6 bo hens, 4 golden sex links, 4 rirs, 1 oegb, 2 black sex links, 2 ameraucanas, and 1 bo rooster. thats 20 chickens! and i live in the city, not the country! so why dont my bo's go broody? idk. idk... but i just got them in march... so i wont expect them to go broody til spring. anyways.... good luck with her whether u want a broody or not!
Unless she is sleeping on the nest for 3 days or more, I would say she is just enjoying the comfort of the box. My new laying BO likes to sit for a couple of hours after she lays. I am not concerned until she is sleeping in the box, which she is not.
my bo's sometimes sit on eggs for 4 hours... getting my hopes up... then theyre not broody...

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