Broody mom abandoned chicks at 7 weeks and is now mean to them


5 Years
Apr 3, 2019
Central New Jersey
This is my first time adding chicks to an existing flock and first time with a broody hen. I only started raising chickens 2 years ago.

Well, my Black Australorp was an excellent broody and mom for 7 weeks to 8 lovely little chicks, protecting her babies from the older hens and sometimes even me until this weekend when she abandoned them. Overnight, she changed. She originally integrated the chicks to my existing flock of 3 about 4 weeks ago so they are all in the main coop and run. She taught them to roost right next to her at night, and even let them roost underneath her.

As of this weekend, she has no patience for her babies or being confined so I let her out to range in my yard most of the day along with the other adult hens. But when she’s in the run, she chases them away which I expected but at bedtime, she’s especially mean. She was always top hen so she’s clinging to her status fiercely. She basically gets half of the coop and the other 10 chicks/chickens have to sleep in the other half. My older Buff Orpington who’s at the bottom of the pecking order sleeps in the nesting box and wants no part of the drama. She’s so sweet to the babies and hangs out with them during the day rather than the older hens. She also has stopped laying eggs I think due to the stress. Some of my chicks sleep on the roost and the rest sleep on the floor because mom will not let them on the bar she’s on and even the one in front of her. She gets the whole bar to herself unless she lets the Easter Egger on after much pecking. My Easter Egger will not let the chicks on the roost she’s on without pecking at them incessantly as well. Some of the chicks just give up at some point because they’re kicked off all 3 roosts. Sometimes they snuggle under mom’s wing on the roost in hopes that she’ll snuggle them back only to have her peck at them hard to get away. It breaks my heart.

Is this normal behavior for a mom who just weaned her chicks? Should I bother separating or let them sort it out? How much longer can I expect this to go on? They’re about half the size of the other hens and 1/3 the size of mom...she’s a big girl. I heard integrating early would be more successful rather than later. They have been a handful but I’m surprised by her sudden lack of care.
Unlike many humans who seem to think its normal to coddle their children once they are able to take care of themselves but don't want to do so, hens don't put up with that BS.

She didn't abandon them. She raised them as long as she needed to. At 7 weeks, they don't need her and she doesn't want them. She is showing them their place at the bottom of the flock.
Yep! What MissE said. Mine weans her chicks off of her at about 5 weeks old and can't tolerate mothering them anymore. Some chickens wean faster, other slower. Honestly, raising chicks with the flock is much easier in terms of integration. If I raise mine separately, it's a waiting game for when the chicks are on equal footing in terms of size with the adults so they aren't bullied or pecked at too much. If broody mom stays with the other chickens and raises her babies around them, it's easier as the chickens accept them much faster as part of the flock.

Her behavior, and everyone else's is, normal. They're old enough to be on their own and they're at the bottom of the pecking order, and everyone is letting them know.
Mama's done her job! She's now decided that her chicks are able to fend for themselves and so they will now! The chicks will have to find their way in the pecking order now. They usually will work it out shortly. I currently have a silkie hen and her week old hatchling, it's so cool the changes you see even day to day!
Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I understand she weaned them and they don’t need her. They are fully capable and she did her job. My concern is about the roosting drama at bedtime and how they’re kicked off all the roosts when they try. Not sure if this will continue until they’re full size or if it’ll settle before that. They’re 8 weeks old now and smaller than the others so I’m afraid of injuries. agold23 said they’ll work it out shortly but I’m not sure if they can stand up for themselves and claim their place in the pecking order until they’re full size, which is weeks away.
Thanks for all the replies. Yes, I understand she weaned them and they don’t need her. They are fully capable and she did her job. My concern is about the roosting drama at bedtime and how they’re kicked off all the roosts when they try. Not sure if this will continue until they’re full size or if it’ll settle before that. They’re 8 weeks old now and smaller than the others so I’m afraid of injuries. agold23 said they’ll work it out shortly but I’m not sure if they can stand up for themselves and claim their place in the pecking order until they’re full size, which is weeks away.
The older.girls will tell them where they can sleep. Once the chicks learn their place, the pecking will stop. You may need to add another roost bar. Make sure it's far enough away that she can't peck the chicks while she is on her roost, and make sure it is not higher than her roost.

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