broody or bator ?


7 Years
Dec 16, 2012
well i thought to myself if i incubate my eggs will they go broody once growen or will this be a mentel thing and the hen will never go broody ? like if you want more broody hens the eggs have to be hatched under a hen and if you only want hens for egg, meat or other you can hatch in a bator? and also what age do hens normally go broody ? thanks :)
hens are very unpreditable when they go broody ! sometime they will start after they lay their first egg. some wont after a year, I have a silkie she wont give up her nest, she wants to sit on her eggs every month ! I have three orpingtons, they are over 2 years old never went broody ! If you want chickes now, incubator is the way to go.

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