Broody or molting behavior


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
My 3 Polish girls are either broody or molting. They are not sitting on eggs or laying, but behave broody and skittish. One is molting by the handfuls. They are my roo's favorites. I guess they're not in the mood, and the roo is getting more aggressive and they run away from him, and when he catches one, he grabs their feathers with his beak and won't let go. Up till this he was a gentleman. What's up here?
could it be the roo is reacting to their behavior and and displaying dominance to get them back in line?
hopefully the will straighten up fast, I know you don't need the aggravation. is the roo bent out of shape because you separated them?
I had to separate them because were continuously running or hiding, and getting their feathers ripped out. I just don't know where to go from here.

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