Broody with no eggs?

I would check her over real well. Sometimes a bird that’s not feeling well will isolate or hide.
If she were mine and showed the same behavior tomorrow. Besides a top to bottom right down to the skin exam I would bring her in and crate her. So I could monitor exactly how much she is eating and drinking and it’s easier to monitor her poop.
See what you find after her exam. Best wishes
Thank you all very much! I did check her today but am going to go over her again in the morning. She wasn't happy to be moved but didn't really screech at me. She was of course in the most popular box, but no eggs. She did lay an egg today in a different box. She's my only white egg layer. Her body looked ok and her comb was the normal bright red it always is. She did venture out a couple of times durning the day but didn't roost with her flock this evening. I will check her over again in the morning as she is sleeping in the box. Yeah, I've gone out several times just to check on her, but I don't want to wake everyone up pulling her out now.
Well I’m gonna say she’s not broody. Not roosting might be a bullying situation. At night would be a good time to get her and bring her in and crate her. It’s less stressful, she’ll just wake up in the crate. It’s a process of elimination trying to figure out what’s going on. Start with the simple stuff first. Intake/output. Poops are important. Keep us posted
Yeah, I've gone out several times just to check on her, but I don't want to wake everyone up pulling her out now.
It can be tough to do depending on nest and coop configurations.
You could block the nests an hour before roost time,
then uncover after dark when locking up or at the crack of dawn.
She may be 'pre-broody'.

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