Brown sex links?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2014
No one answered me before so I'm trying again.
Has anyone ordered Brown sex link from IDEAL?
If so what did the chick look like?
Did it look like this?

This is my chick that I think is my brown sex link.

I was looking up brown sex link in the learning center and all I came up with was a page about sex links in general. But I did find this pic in the section but it didn't say what the cross was.
Thanks! Their not really new anymore. They are almost 5 weeks old now and she's turning out to be very pretty. These are old pics.

I don't think that's a commercial sex link. The pic you referenced showed a couple different breeds you can cross to make sex links, and the first pic there is more what the hatcheries turn out...

Hatchery sex links don't seem to have as much of the chipmunk strips, and your bird looks like it's feathering out a partridge type pattern.Sex links seem to feather out an even reddish color, not the patterning you're seeing on your bird I'm not sure if it would be a production red, or something else. There are several breeds that start out looking pretty similar..... what did you order from Ideal?
Of those breeds it should be the red sex link I guess. Good news is, if it's a rsl, it's definitely female!

It will be interesting to see how it looks as it grows, mabye post pics again around 8-10 weeks?

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