
In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2022
Been rearing and hatching chinese painted quail for a number of years now but never have figured out for SURE what the funny "bubbling" sound the male makes now and then is about. I suspect it's a warning or something but really not certain.

I've heard the sound from other male button quails but when I ask them what it means they don't know and these are people who have owned buttons for 10+ years.

Anyone know what that MALE bubbling sound means? ONLY the males make it

Quail GIF
Been rearing and hatching chinese painted quail for a number of years now but never have figured out for SURE what the funny "bubbling" sound the male makes now and then is about. I suspect it's a warning or something but really not certain.

I've heard the sound from other male button quails but when I ask them what it means they don't know and these are people who have owned buttons for 10+ years.

Anyone know what that MALE bubbling sound means? ONLY the males make it

Quail GIF
Can you record it, post it to YouTube or something and drop a link here?
Can you record it, post it to YouTube or something and drop a link here?
I found this one on youtube ---- Right at the 13 second mark you'll hear the male button making that funny "bubbling" sound which I've heard my own males make over the years.

The bubbly sound continues till the 25 second mark

At mark 13,14 when ever my males made this sound which I can get savi to do it and freak out they have always been freaking out like oh God run I go weee weee weee wee high pitched multiple time to get savi to freak I don't cuz it's mean but I can 😂
Been rearing and hatching chinese painted quail for a number of years now but never have figured out for SURE what the funny "bubbling" sound the male makes now and then is about. I suspect it's a warning or something but really not certain.

I've heard the sound from other male button quails but when I ask them what it means they don't know and these are people who have owned buttons for 10+ years.

Anyone know what that MALE bubbling sound means? ONLY the males make it

Quail GIF
That gif isn't that a female
At mark 13,14 when ever my males made this sound which I can get savi to do it and freak out they have always been freaking out like oh God run I go weee weee weee wee high pitched multiple time to get savi to freak I don't cuz it's mean but I can 😂
I assume all noises my quail make translate to "RUN AWAY, GIANT MONSTER INCOMING, SAVE YOURSELVES!" because they always give me that fearing-for-their-lives vibe whenever I visit :gig

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