Buckeye Breed Thread

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One of my 12 day old chicks was giving itself a dust bath today
Chris, I didn't see the baby chick under (behind?) the broody until I clicked on the picture you posted and blew it up. O M G that is so friggin' cute
And hey folks, for some really good information about learning to see what makes up a Buckeye, check out the CSU, Chicken State University Thread here on BYC, which is currently focusing on the Buckeye: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/732985/csu-chicken-state-university-large-fowl-sop/610

Start at message #613 and work your way onwards, great info there with some wonderful photos too!

Didn't know if everyone in this thread knew about that one.
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We are expecting our first (Urch) Buckeye chicks in a few weeks and have been following this thread with interest. I have read the SOP and am also following the Buckeye discussion over on the CSU thread. We've had a mixed layer flock for a while, but new to breeding. Understanding that we should select for type first: What are some obvious first season things you cull for? What traits should be given more time to develop before deciding? Thanks!
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