Buckeye Breed Thread

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James is going through some personal problems and is out of the chicken business at the present. Chris and I picked up his Buckeyes last Saturday and I picked up the other breeds on Monday to try to get them sold.
Please PM me about orders and I will try to get them filled.

Thanks for your patience and understanding
May you all have a Blessed Mothers Day
Someone posted awhile back somewhere that Ideal got their Buckeyes from a breeder in Oklahoma. It was brown/Urch line. Hope that helps.

Thanks for the info. I was mainly finding out because I plan on utilizing the spiral breeding methods in my buckeye breeding program and am trying to figure out if I want to use the hens I got from Ideal in my program.
I don't know if this is normal or not and was wondering the same thing. I purchased a bunch of straight runs chicks the first part of April.
( From a well known and respected breeder
They all have grown wonderfully, and are very healthy. They all have feathers and look like little mini buckeyes, but one pullet is half the size of the rest. I just thought perhaps a bantam egg got in the mix while they were in the 'bator. This chick we have is affectionately known as "tiny" at our house. She is as healthy and friendly as the rest and holds her own at the feeder.
Roy, please tell James that I'll pray for him too. I knew something was wrong because I sent him two emails and left him a voicemail at work. I was afraid something had happened to him.

God Bless,
Afternoon to All....In regards to the small chicks, the chicken health handbook states their is a Infectious stunting syndrome, primarily in broilers, however their is also infectious anemia runting syndrome. Hope that helps.

~ bigzio
Yes, there is a dwarfing gene. I speak from experience, as I have hatched them and did a little research. Yes, there is a dwarfing gene. My males had to be killed, as they were an awful mess. I currently have a dwarf Barred Rock (female) that is doing just fine, just small.
You might want to set a piece of 2"x2" or 2"x4" (with a short piece of 1x board screwed to it to help stabilize it and keep it from rolling around...if you use a 2"x2" piece) in the coop for them to practice getting on and "roosting". Lots of folks will put something like this in the brooders as "practice roosts". Lay it down on the litter and I bet you'll soon see'em start "roosting".

Best wishes,

Thats what I love about BYC have a problem or a question and people give you a answer. Thanks Ed. Had my first buckeye crow today. He did a pretty good job I'm sure it will get better.
I don't know if this is normal or not and was wondering the same thing. I purchased a bunch of straight runs chicks the first part of April.
( From a well known and respected breeder
They all have grown wonderfully, and are very healthy. They all have feathers and look like little mini buckeyes, but one pullet is half the size of the rest. I just thought perhaps a bantam egg got in the mix while they were in the 'bator. This chick we have is affectionately known as "tiny" at our house. She is as healthy and friendly as the rest and holds her own at the feeder.

i to have a dwarf buckeye chick 1 out of 14... at 10 weeks she is about half the size of the rest...
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