Buckeye Breed Thread

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I have two 1 1/2 year roos(brothers) in with my hens. They have always been very gentle to each other and to me and my family. In the past week, one of them has came after my daughter and my wife, and they have been fighting each other regularly(the roos, not daughter/wife). They haven't came after me, but the bigger of the two follows me when I enter thier pen as to say, "don't try anything." Nothing obvious has changed in their enviorment. I'm at a loss for a reason. It's stinks because I have always prided my Buckeye roos in being so friendly.

Anybody have any idea what might trigger this sudden behavior change?
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My first buckeye roo did that but it was closer to a year old. He would come up and peck at my shoe. He wasn't real aggressive but he did have a spurt in him.
It has everything to do with spring in the air and mating season. While they are unable to reason, they look at you as a threat to their women, so to speak. It's always the worse when the days get longer and mating season is in full swing. things will settle down some after a while. Don't blame the roo's, it's just mother nature.

~ bigzio
I haven't ever had issues, I've been watching the males spar quite a bit as of late, the other day 2 were all muddy as heck wrestling around after a good soaking rain. Is that where the term "cocky" came from?
I am so excited!

I got the buckeye chicks I ordered, from BuckeyeDave. I could hear them chirping behind the closed door as the PO person was bringing them to me.

Unfortunately, as soon as I got them settled in their brooder, I had to go to work.

My DS will be checking on them when he gets home from school, but I want to be home to check on them! C'mon 5:00pm!!

Thanks Dave for the few extra chicks! All but one made it. It was good talking with you and I'm going to try your feeding suggestion to see if it makes a difference in my layers. It is always good to learn new things.


I always worry about the fluffy butts in transit. I got a call from a fellow in Iowa that I shipped some to that lost 6, I owe him some more chicks.
It's good to be shipping chicks again, it's been a tough spring but now the little doobers are jumping out of the shell!!!!
Thanks everybody for letting me know about your experiences with half-pint sized chickens! I suspect that my Buckeye just got unlucky in the genetic lottery -- s/he's also somewhat of a strawberry blond as opposed to the rich reds of the other birds. I'm also on the hook for a lifetime supply of chicken kibble for Peaches, since it's been my experience that once one of my birds gets a name it tends to die of old age. Lucky s/he's small, I guess....

Fates and Post Office willing, I'm supposed to be getting some more hatching eggs this week courtesy of Buckeye Dave. I'm nursing suspicions that Murphy is out to get me, because no sooner did I get word to expect eggs, did I also get word that I had to go out of state to finish up some family business.
Fortunately I have a. a very understanding spouse and b. the perfect excuse to buy a Suro 20 incubator. I don't know which is going to get here first, incubator or eggs (sounds like the beginning of an interesting joke, or a very long shaggy chicken story), but Understanding Spouse has said that he will hand-turn eggs in the Little Giant until either the Suro gets here or I get back. He's expecting at least one chicken dinner out of this, I think. Possibly a swag-laden Christmas as well. (So totally worth it.)
Ive been wondering about my birds. First off my birds dont seem to either want to or can fly and also only one of my birds roost so i dont know if this is common or if i have a weird case of that. Also when do buckeyes tend to start laying?
Eggs are here!
In pretty good shape, considering the post office IGNORED the big telephone number and the "please call customer" note on the label and threw it onto the delivery truck for regular rounds
. Will have to go down there and ask if I have to do smoke signals or semaphore or just tap dance on their desks in order to get their attention
. We might have been able to save that one egg from cracking if they would Just. Pay. Attention. grr. (Then again, maybe not. I have received eggs in much worse condition before -- i.e., liquefied -- I guess I'm not going to kvetch too much over getting 15 in reallllllly good shape.)

But still. Buckeye eggs!!

And UPS says the Suro will be here tomorrow.
Life is good.

Thanks Dave for helping to further my chicken obsession
. With a pinch of good luck I'll have pics in three weeks.
Give them a week, they will all roost and at week 23-26 they will lay eggs too, you will be so proud!! I fried up my first egg immediately after she laid it.

They are fresh Sunday/Monday eggs and should be nice and fertile. You bought 12, I shipped 16 and USPS took one, you still got 3 for free!!!! WOO HOOOO!!!!
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