Buckeye Breed Thread

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Here are couple of the pullets were bred up this year.


I thank you for honestly sharing your experience. When a person is new to poultry they are at a loss of who to trust and where to purchase. It always helps to have first hand knowledge. The very name of the facility inspires trust, and would lead many to order.
Thanks, Janet.
I'm happy with what I got out of only 10 chicks, they'll be a nice start.
Thanks Janet, The flash on the camera made her look somewhat "splotchy" but that was the light hitting different angles of the feathers. The color is very uniform (same color as a buckeye nut) with great sheen, undercolor is spot on, the wings are not "smutty" on the primaries, and there are no black feathers on the exterior plummage. This one is definately going in the brood pen.
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Ok, I was out cleaning the feeders and waterers and I felt something crawling on me. Not unusual but I like to know what it is. Not all insects get killed(or fed to the chickens). I could barely see it and had to put my glasses on. SO...... I start checking the chickens and they have these little grey bugs on them. What are they and how do I treat? I assumed that the youngsters have them too. Processing date for the Young'uns was to be the beginning/middle of November. Ideas? Suggestions? AAAUUGGHHH!!!
I thank you for honestly sharing your experience. When a person is new to poultry they are at a loss of who to trust and where to purchase. It always helps to have first hand knowledge. The very name of the facility inspires trust, and would lead many to order.

Exactly true, the very name.
As if they are a facility like the Garfield Museum, preserving Heritage Breeds from heritage Breeders, and it is not the case.
I do not like the 'bash' anyone on public forum, but in this case it is hard not to.
I, and many others, have found their service, and breeds, inferior.
I have been running into more & more people who have fallen victim to this "preserve"
We (most) all have "farms" and raise our breeds, and cull and so on, for a more SOP version of the breeds we love.
We have lives, jobs, kids and gardens.
Some of us have many breeds to deal with, but yet, we still have the human decency to return a phone call or e-mail, to anyone, let alone a customer.
Gotta end this discussion here...I do not feel comfortable bashing anyone.
As I said before, they very well have some nice birds.........
Oooh, describe said grey bug?
have you wormed?
Check around the vent to between their legs, flip the bird over & dig around..do you see alot of crawlies on their skin?
You may need to dust them with Poutry Dust (at feed stores) or use a Parasiticide, like Eprinex.
Eprinex kills internal & external crawlies.
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