Buckeye Breed Thread

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Of all the things to happen, I have a broody pullet, 7 mo old!!
In November !
She has been broody for 4 days now, nothing is changing her mind.
So, I decided to give her a few infertile eggs to see how she does..and moved her to the chick barn to a quiet semi-dark place.
So far, she hates it & wants back in the coop.
But, in the coop she occupies the favorite nest box and all the hens sit with her & lay..so I am constantly getting new eggs from under her....she will stay in the new chick house pen until tomorrow.
Hopefully she settles down.
her infertile eggs are with her, nice straw nest, fresh everything....same as in her coop.

I tried to get her out of brood mode, thinking how she is young and has to still grow & put on some fat before she goes into a broody "starvation" and there fore may never access the appropriate size she could be..but she is not taking no for an answer...
One of my Silkies went broody two weeks ago. It took a good week to break her, but it worked in the end.
I kept taking her of the nest, and even locked her out of the coop.
If you keep trying, she may give up.
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These are the two pullets Bob Gilbert got from me at the Crossroads. One of these I had planned to put in the show had I made it on time. The cockerel is the one that Bob got from Don Schrider:

Don Schrider evaluating my pullets; That is Don kneeling holding the pullet and me in the red plaid shirt for those of you who don't know me (it is good to put a name with a face). Don got two pullets from me too:
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Do you have a wire cage you can put her in? Sometimes a day or two of cold air on a broody's butt is all it takes to break them.
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