Buckeye Breed Thread

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Dude, definitely pick up some ALBC birds if you are able, they really have done a great job with them. I'd also recommend Chris McCary (cgmccary) from Alabama, he had developed the ALBC line into some real barn burning show winners.

X2 !!!!!!!!!!! I cannot say enough about this line.
And top top it off, they are such NICE personalities !
I have 2 broodys, and trying to break them, I take them out off the nest several times a day while they screecth & complain, their cockerel stands by my side watching & never is mean to me.
Any other cock bird may get seriously PO'd that someone or something is "getting" one of his women...not these boys.
He clucked happliy & watched as if to totally understand & almost vociferously scolded the hen once I sat her down on the ground.
Locked her out of the coop...2 days in a row now.
She is a beauty too & want her to refeather her belly by next show....fingers crossed !
How would a judge react to a beautiful Hen with broody cllucking & a bare belly ?
Well, I'm not sure what the APPBA is supposed to be, or where the show was, so I can't answer that part of it! :) There is the APA and the ABA. Maybe it was a combined show? APA/ABA?

The birds are usually placed in alphabetical order withing their class, Which would be the American Class, so Buckeyes are not usually right next to the RIR unless there aren't any Chanteclers, Delawares, Dominiques, Hollands, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshires, or Plymouth Rocks. Which is entirely possible in a small show. In which case, if there were none of those, I guess even one buckeye pullet was a good showing! The only others in the class are the Rhode Island Whites and the Wyandottes.

You're right, it is kind of sad, so get out there and get busy!

Out here in the West (Pacific Northwest) we have lots of Buckeyes, a surge in the last few years.
Judges are still learning about the breed.
My big issue is there is no Javas...but a few Mottled have shown up in 1 show out of the last 6 I have been to, and they looked on the un-standard side if you know what I mean (hatchery birds with green soles ?)
Out here in the West (Pacific Northwest) we have lots of Buckeyes, a surge in the last few years.
Judges are still learning about the breed.
My big issue is there is no Javas...but a few Mottled have shown up in 1 show out of the last 6 I have been to, and they looked on the un-standard side if you know what I mean (hatchery birds with green soles ?)

I got the impression that that show was a little larger than your 'average' show?
@ Chickielady - I looked around for Javas, I found some mottled, but no black.
No, not ALBC -- they are a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving genetic diversity in livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, poultry, swine, etc.). You would get "ALBC strain" from a Buckeye breeder that has the their line of the ALBC strain. Remember,these strains are designations /groupings those of us with Buckeyes have arbitrarily placed on various groups based upon where the birds originated. Most breeders will have a mixture of strains as we have traded stock with each other.

There are good characteristics in every group (strain). Ask the breeder where they got their birds. If a breeder has had Buckeyes 2-3 years or so, it is going to be their line of that particular strain.
For those of you who are American Buckeye Poultry Club (ABPC) members, the next newsletter is going to be a real treat. The newsletter will feature a piece written by Don Schrider generally about the Buckeye breed- it comes from discussions some of us collectively have had with him recently. It is a different take on the breed generally & includes his observations of the differences in the strains/lines. Stay tuned for more to come throughout the year.
I suppose I could email someone from the ABPC to ask this question, but if I ask here others will see the answer -

Thanks Janet for adding the membership form to the website. Can you only join by mail now and not online? There used to be a paypal address to send payment to and I don't see it now.

were would one get eggs/chicks from the albc? just contact them?

The web site for the ALBC (American Livestock breeds Conservancy) does have classifieds on the web site for alot of rare breeds of all livestock.
If you are a member, adverstising there is free.

And yes, WooingWyandottes, there is a few Mottled out here, most are hatchery birds and not very good type...but Brian Decker did have some nice Mottled, and has since told me he is selling off that flock to just pour all his interests into his Cornish.

There is an address to send a paypal payment to. I'll need to get it for you.

For others in the ABPC -- as Chris mentioned, we're going to put out the next newsletter in March. March 1 will be the deadline if anyone has anything they'd like to contribute -- or want to advertise.

Advertising rates in the ABPC newsletter are $10 for a full page ad, $5 for half page, and $3 for quarter page -- prepaid, please. Photos can be included at no cost.

If you are a member of the ABPC and we do not have your email address, you will receive a printed newsletter by mail. Printed newsletters are black and white; emailed newsletters are in color -- so send me your email address, please!
The ALBC website has a list of breeders by state. That's where I am starting.


The web site for the ALBC (American Livestock breeds Conservancy) does have classifieds on the web site for alot of rare breeds of all livestock.
If you are a member, adverstising there is free.

And yes, WooingWyandottes, there is a few Mottled out here, most are hatchery birds and not very good type...but Brian Decker did have some nice Mottled, and has since told me he is selling off that flock to just pour all his interests into his Cornish.
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