Bucknell Country Eggs Has Joined


In the Brooder
Dec 12, 2021
Hi All!! I am 2 years old in chicken care after starting my flock in Colorado in 2020. Since moving my cleared and vaccinated hens and Roo to North Carolina, we have lost 5 of my original 23 birds to bobcats and added 3 new Brahmas from NC breeders.

I have a healthy mix of birds, from Brahmas, Cinnamon Queens, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Dwarf Mixes, and Easter Egger Ameracaunas. My favorite breed is the Brahma due to the size, vitality, and disposition.

My favorite aspect of raising backyard chickens is watching them enjoy life, space, and sunshine. I build swings, perches, and jungle gyms out of the tree limbs and trunks from my wooded property.

Other hobbies I enjoy include landscaping and gardening. I'm in the process of preparing raised garden beds full of chicken favorites for the chicken run.

Bucknell Country Eggs has a facebook page to help promote our eggs for sale which goes back into the chicken feed and chicken run design. We also have two laying ducks and a drake, providing us with 2 duck eggs per day. I will be digging and engineering their pond this year.

I learned about BYC in 2021 from the chicken pages on Facebook. I have delayed completing the introduction due to my busy schedule but finally had some down time. I am joining for a better forum experience to help better the life of my flock.

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