Buff cochin bantams

Hmmm, not purebred Cochins. They almost look like Cochin/Japanese crosses. Would buff crossed with black tailed buff give something that looks like that? It's definitely two single combed breeds that were crossed and one of them wouldn't have been feather legged since their leg feathers aren't as thick as you'd see on a Cochin. Another option that comes to mind is Dutch/Cochin cross, they look like they have a bit of a white ear and a very upright carriage with low wing carriage. Very cute birds though.
I think that they are buff cochin crossed with Japanese bantam. A couple of years back I bought some eggs that ended up looking like yours. Feather legged, plump, but kind of off-body shape and low-rider. When I called the lady, I asked if she had any other roos. Japanese bantams was her only other breed. She thought that she had everybody separated, but obviously she had a little Romeo at work!

Here's an internet pic of a Japanese bantam. See the shape similarities?

They're cute! You could call them Samurai Sumo chickens and make a million dollars!
Wow they really do look like the Japanese bantam-probably crossed to get the feathered legs.Thanks alot. Now I still need to find some buff cochin bantams, if you know of anyone close to southern OH please let me know.
There is a swap and a show coming up in May at Lucasville. There are always alot of birds there, and if you can find a breeder with birds for sale attending the show you can pick them up there. There is also a show in Shelbyville, KY in May.


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