Buff Cochin Roo Offspring


Jun 23, 2021
New Hampshire
Hi All.
I found my favorite breed of chicken: Cochin.
Favorite color? Literally ANY.
My mom heard of my partridge Cochin passing away (about 10 weeks ago now) and ordered me 2 more plus 2 Buff Cochins.
I already have a blue Cochin pullet and black Cochin pullet.
They are all very young, so this isn’t happening right away. I was just wondering what would happen.
One of the Buffs is a boy, we named Stewart. The other is a pullet and both partridges are pullets.
If the buff Roo fertilizes the eggs of the other Cochins and they hatch, what are the colors going to be?
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The Buff on a Buff gives Buff.

The Buff on a Partridge should give a color in between the yellow and red, say a light red. Maybe kind of an orange, not sure.

This one may be fun. In theory the Buff on a Black will give black and the Buff on the blue will give about half blue chicks and half black. But that's just theory. You should still get a black or blue chick but often that buff does strange things with black and you get blotches of yellow or even orange instead of a solid black. Usually yellow but I have seen one that was more orange than yellow. Sometimes some of the individual feathers have yellow on them, not in solid blotches. If you do make this cross I'd love to see some photos after the chicks feather out. They may be solid black, but again they may not.
The Buff on a Buff gives Buff.

The Buff on a Partridge should give a color in between the yellow and red, say a light red. Maybe kind of an orange, not sure.

This one may be fun. In theory the Buff on a Black will give black and the Buff on the blue will give about half blue chicks and half black. But that's just theory. You should still get a black or blue chick but often that buff does strange things with black and you get blotches of yellow or even orange instead of a solid black. Usually yellow but I have seen one that was more orange than yellow. Sometimes some of the individual feathers have yellow on them, not in solid blotches. If you do make this cross I'd love to see some photos after the chicks feather out. They may be solid black, but again they may not.
Thank you so much for this.
I’ve never had Cochins, so this is a first and I’ve heard they go broody and become good mothers, but was wondering what the outcomes would be if they had chicks.

I also have 4 bantam Cochins which are calico, Mille and a blue that has some leakage of white.
Not sure what will happen with them if they were to have chicks - probably just a bunch of different colors 😳🤷‍♀️😅
Thank you so much for this.
I’ve never had Cochins, so this is a first and I’ve heard they go broody and become good mothers, but was wondering what the outcomes would be if they had chicks.

I also have 4 bantam Cochins which are calico, Mille and a blue that has some leakage of white.
Not sure what will happen with them if they were to have chicks - probably just a bunch of different colors 😳🤷‍♀️😅
I LOVE Cochins!!!!!!! I have 4 myself that turned a year in April. 3 hens and a roo. So far 1 hen has been broody twice. First time she sat on the nest for about 4 weeks. I ordered hatching eggs that came about a week after she went broody. She got 2 babies from those, Raised them and they are now 7 weeks and she went broody again last week!!!!! so for her twice in about 11 weeks time!

Then one of my others went broody about 4.5-5 weeks ago and has 1 chick that she hatched, ordered eggs but none of those developed but 1 I put in from my own chickens, just because, ended up hatching (it is an EE/Cochin cross).

My other girl hasn't gone broody at all thankfully since I have had my hands full with the ones that have gone broody since one of my other girls went broody right after my 2nd Cochin. So in 11 weeks I have had 4 broody's (well guess 3 but one of them x2. LOL)

So yes they do go broody a LOT! Mine have been good moms so far.
The Buff on a Buff gives Buff.

The Buff on a Partridge should give a color in between the yellow and red, say a light red. Maybe kind of an orange, not sure.

This one may be fun. In theory the Buff on a Black will give black and the Buff on the blue will give about half blue chicks and half black. But that's just theory. You should still get a black or blue chick but often that buff does strange things with black and you get blotches of yellow or even orange instead of a solid black. Usually yellow but I have seen one that was more orange than yellow. Sometimes some of the individual feathers have yellow on them, not in solid blotches. If you do make this cross I'd love to see some photos after the chicks feather out. They may be solid black, but again they may not.
Hi There! Your wish is my command! I hatched BLUE COCHIN CHICKS! Which were covered by my BUFF COCHIN!
What spectacular colors! I have 2 full blues, 1 Blue with an orange head (VERY ORANGE), 1 full black and then 1 black with some orange in the face!!
I stopped and stared at the incubator for 15 minutes (probably closer to an hour) looking at those beautiful little chicks!
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I’m wondering if one of the blues is actually a splash because the coloring is so light, but only time can tell I guess. So far they are doing GREAT with their surrogate mother who went broody 8 days before they hatched! LUCKY TIMING!
Hi There! Your wish is my command! I hatched BLUE COCHIN CHICKS! Which were covered by my BUFF COCHIN!
What spectacular colors! I have 2 full blues, 1 Blue with an orange head (VERY ORANGE), 1 full black and then 1 black with some orange in the face!!
I stopped and stared at the incubator for 15 minutes (probably closer to an hour) looking at those beautiful little chicks!
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I’m wondering if one of the blues is actually a splash because the coloring is so light, but only time can tell I guess. So far they are doing GREAT with their surrogate mother who went broody 8 days before they hatched! LUCKY TIMING!
So cute!!!! Can't wait to see the colors when they get older!!!
So cute!!!! Can't wait to see the colors when they get older!!!
I will keep updating the post!
I try to ask a question and then continue on with the outcome so others when searching will get the end result answers they may have as well :)

It’s starting to get very chilly here, so I’m hoping the broody mom takes care of them enough so they don’t freeze. It snowed here the other day, so fingers are crossed! 💜
What spectacular colors! I have 2 full blues, 1 Blue with an orange head (VERY ORANGE), 1 full black and then 1 black with some orange in the face!!
I stopped and stared at the incubator for 15 minutes (probably closer to an hour) looking at those beautiful little chicks!

Wait until you see them feathered out. I'm really looking forward to those photos.

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