Buff Ducks- tell me everything


11 Years
Jul 10, 2008
Southwest Missouri
I bought at least four buff ducklings in a group of six. I have read everything from the extensions, feathersite, and the like. What I would like is someones personal experience with them. For instance, how do they lay, do they brood, how long in the year do they lay, when do they start, how do they taste, etc. Things like this. I would like to know if this something that is worth the time (small place, limited space) to pursue? Thanks for any info.
my buff is still a babie but i have read that they are great layers and meat birds. my buff mutt has been laying 1 a day since she took her 3wk multing break.
how do they lay, how long in the year do they lay, when do they start,: Almost an egg a day once the days get longer (12 hours or more of light per day)

do they brood: Mine doesn't

how do they taste: No idea. Mine is a rather spoiled pet and I don't look at her as food.

I would like to know if this something that is worth the time (small place, limited space) to pursue?: Sure, why not! I have a small lot in a suburban area and I have 3 adult ducks and 2 babies in a brooder right now (and 4 eggs in the incubator too!). The really don't take up a ton of space and I do let mine freerange in the back yard.

I am in it more for egg production than anything, but buff have a reputation for being a good dual purpose breed.

My buff is a real character and has a lot of personality. She is very entertaining.

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