Buff Orp. Trauma


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
My very heavy Buff Orp. took a flying leap about 30 ft down a hillside and landed splat at the bottom. She was dazed and about 15 min later passed a broken egg. This was 4 days ago and she seems fine. Eating and drinking as usual , no blood in droppings ,but no eggs. She is about 9 months old.
The trauma might have bruised her and she is recovering. What if you put her in the dark just to be sure that egg production is retarded. That way she can have a couple of days to really heal.

Just a thought.
I have never had this happen before but I hope there is someone that will have some insight for you. I would monitor her to make sure she is still eating and drinking ok and that her poor is normal. She may just have a sore bottom and doesn't want to lay for that reason
Thanks for your input. She is still eating and drinking and hanging with the others so hopefully she will recover soon.

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