Buff Orp walking with wide legs, not roosting!!


8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
We just got back from vacation and learned that our almost 5yo buff Orp, Molly, is walking funny, and not sleeping in the roost. Her comb is also paler and starting to flop over some.

We've been just watching her the last day or so, and all I can come up with is a possible infection or some kind of internal failure. She has beèn like this for 2 weeks or so, and hasn't layer since before molting (prob since August). I'm ruling out egg issues...

Her feathers are more fluffed, her vent area is more messy than usual, but no weird discolorations. Her abdomen is definitely swollen, and she seems really uncomfortable.

I have some leftover Baytril from our Daisy girl that died super suddenly a few months back, and am giving her that today. My plan is to get her to our vet tomorrow, but am wondering if anyone out there has any input.

Thanks so much!!
I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis, and could also possibly have fluid in her belly (ascites.) Those things can be common in hens who are a little older. Cancer of the reproductive tract is also common. If she seems to have a tight fluid-filled belly lower in her abdomen, and is having shortness of breath, you may want to insert an 18 gauge needle just under the skin, to see if you can get out any fluid. Removing fluid occasionally in hens with ascites may make them more comfortable. Baytril is probably one of the best antibiotics to use in a chicken with EYP, although it is illegal and the meat should never be used for food. Many use it still. Here is some reading:
Thanks so much for the input.....I'm so scared we are just dealing with this too late. Though, she is still eating and drinking.

I'm calling the vet first thing in the morning and hope we can get her in! I'll keep you posted.

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