Buff Orpington Contest! Ends May 1st~~~~RESULTS ARE IN~~~~~

Name: Scotch
Age : 8 mo
Category: Adult
Sex : Rooster

Scotch is a lovely, gentle guy who is very enamoured of his girls. He always lets them eat first and watches out for them.


It reminds me of the old Sesame Street song: One of these chicks is not like the others, one of these chicks doesn't belong . . .

Edited to add:

I forgot to mention that the category I'm entering under is "Chick." (Although that is probably pretty obvious.
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Oh, I have buffs now, so I can enter finally

This is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Twilighters Beware.
I'm entering it under Chick Pictures
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Oh I forgot this one! This is Pipsqueak Pattie. (I named her Thumbalina but after my husband said something about the Pipsqueak Pattie on Spongebob, we never went back) She has always been smaller than all the rest of the Buffs we have, wondered if we got a Bantam by mistake. She is 10 weeks old now. The catagory is showoff.
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