Buff orpington laying in October


5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Carmel Valley
Hi there! I've got 2 buff orpington pullets that are 18 weeks. One has a noticeably larger comb than the other and they are both getting pretty red, but don't look quite ready... But I am new to chickens.
My worry is that it's getting colder and colder and days getting shorter and with them ABOUT to lay....could this weather put their laying instincts to a stop and make them wait until spring?
I've heard they're great layers and could lay through winter, but since they havent started I am concerned the weather could affect them?

I Also have 2 light brahma girls about 17 weeks with barely any comb at all (I've heard they mature later, but one is getting more red then the other like my buffs)
I have 1 GLW pullet 17 weeks also with hardly a comb as well and then 1 big GLW rooster who looks at me like the flock leader... He's hilarious

Do you think there's Anyway we will be collecting eggs before winter??
Sorry for my lack of knowledge!! I appreciate any advice or comments!!!



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I've raised buff orps for years and I'll try to give you some insight.

Buff orps are, yes, good layers but are known to start laying late. I hate to say it but at only 18 weeks, then you may not get many eggs until spring.
I have a buff orp pullet who is around 26 weeks and she still hasn't laid yet. However, I had a buff orp lay at five months which is early. Then I had another lay at six months.

The buff orp pullet I have right now didn't have that red and big of combs until around 22 weeks. So your's will probably lay before mine. I would guess they will start around 20-24 weeks. So maybe in 3 or 6 more weeks you'll get eggs.

You may get eggs before spring and you may not. If your coop is warm and they have light then you probably will get a few eggs this winter too.

Good luck!
I have RIR who are also 18 weeks. I've been concerned they won't lay until spring as well but they seem to be getting close so we'll see. I hope we don't have to wait til spring! :(
Ughh, thank you so much for the responses!!! So if we really seal in the coup and keep it warmer there is a better chance of them laying? It gets in the 40s-50s at night right now but it's dropping and by winter we'll be in the 20's and 30's....
Guess we'll all just keep our fingers crossed for eggs! thank you so much for all the insight! I for some reason thought buffs Tended to lay a tid earlier than most but I' guess we just never know.
Ughh, thank you so much for the responses!!! So if we really seal in the coup and keep it warmer there is a better chance of them laying? It gets in the 40s-50s at night right now but it's dropping and by winter we'll be in the 20's and 30's....
Guess we'll all just keep our fingers crossed for eggs! thank you so much for all the insight! I for some reason thought buffs Tended to lay a tid earlier than most but I' guess we just never know.
Yes make sure the coop is draft free but still has ventilation.

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