Buff Orpington Stopped Laying


6 Years
Jan 24, 2015
Hello, I have 2 Buff Orpingtons that are 2 years old. One of my chickens has stopped laying. It has been about 8 weeks since she has laid a egg. What is going on with her?
Hi and
Glad you joined the flock!
Has anything changed that may be stressing her? Sometimes the shortening of day light hours brings laying to a close.
Hello, and welcome to Backyard chickens! A few situations in which hens will stop laying,
1. She may have gone broody, though if she has not been laying for 8 weeks, that is most likely not the problem,
2. There may be stressful things going on in or around her environment, I.E. new chickens, frequently visiting predators stressing her out, frequent loud noises, such as a construction zone in front of your house.
3. as mentioned above, molting.
4. shortening hours of daylight.
5. she might be sick, is she showing any symptoms?

Any of these sound familiar? I hope you enjoy BYC, and your hen gets back to laying!

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