Buff Orps with dark patches?


May 16, 2022
I have hatched 2 Buff Orpington chicks that I bought from a seller.
The brown patches he assures me are normal, but now there is som darkness coming in at the base of their tails and their “shoulders”.
Is this normal for a Buff Orpington? Photos attached.


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I have Buffs and have raised buff chicks from broody hens, I am not seeing anything unusual here on feather color, on the 815 photo the tiny wingfeathers coming in are more what they will look like as adult colorings. As for the patches on the shoulders, I would watch it. It could be where new pinfeathers are emerging. These are some of my hens in my profiel pic, so you can expect this color. some are more pale and others more reddish.
I have Buffs and have raised buff chicks from broody hens, I am not seeing anything unusual here on feather color, on the 815 photo the tiny wingfeathers coming in are more what they will look like as adult colorings. As for the patches on the shoulders, I would watch it. It could be where new pinfeathers are emerging. These are some of my hens in my profiel pic, so you can expect this color. some are more pale and others more reddish.
Those are beautiful hens in your pic!
Do you mean that the shoulder patches could be indicators of mine not being true buff?
I have hatched 2 Buff Orpington chicks that I bought from a seller.
The brown patches he assures me are normal, but now there is som darkness coming in at the base of their tails and their “shoulders”.
Is this normal for a Buff Orpington? Photos attached.
They don't look right to me, because I'm seeing a pattern of white-and-gold in the feathers (especially the last photo), while I am expecting more solid buff.

But I know that some chickens do show patterns when young, and solid-color feathers when they grow up, so there is a chance this is happening with your chicks too.

This article has photos of Buff Orpingtons, including at least one around the age of your chicks. I notice that one does have uneven coloring.

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