Buff Silkies & Buff Breeders

Does anybody have the standard for Buff?
I know they are supposed to be "clear buff", with not black or gray in the coloring.

If anybody has any tips for breeding silkies, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear them.

Last night I was doing a lot of reading on the Hattrick silkie website. Apparently the vault in the Silkie breed was introduced via the polish. And back in the old days, a vaulted chick meant that it was a pullet. I have 3 out of 4 buff chicks that are vaulted. They are 4 weeks old. And the one that crowed at 3 weeks 2 days old was the non-vaulted one. Maybe it still holds true. I also have 3 other mixed color silkies that are a couple days older. One has a vault and a tiny comb, the other two I can already bet that they are boys.
Im trying to start off with the best of the best in silkies. I have FlufNStuff buffs, 4 of them I hatched,
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I have posted pics of my 4 buffs. I didnt get the new ones yet. Maybe next week or the week after.

Here are some pictures of my 4 from FlufNStuff.
Arent they so cute?
Im thinking 2 males, and 2 females, or 3 females and 1 male.





I did see those.... They are adorable. I would not worry about the sex too soon. its so hard to tell. I can't wait to see the new babies.
I apologize for not getting back to this sooner. Buff is one of the very challenging colors to perfect. Those babies looks great so far and should be a great start for you. Buff plumage should be an even shade of golden buff throughout the entire body. The APA describes buff as "a medium shade of orange-yellow color with a rich golden cast; not so intense as to show a reddish cast, nor so pale as to appear lemon or light yellow." For males the head, neck, hackle, back, wing bows and saddle should have more luster and for hens the hackle will have some luster. Their underfluff should closely match the surface color and should not be significantly lighter (which I have seen as a common problem). As with any pure plumage color, it should not have other colors present. White and black are common issues with buff, as well as blue on occasion - depending on what folks used in their breeding history. White is often more difficult to resolve than the black. The presence of black speckling (often seen as "dusting" in the tail/wings) is not terrible and can be used if matched up to the right "clear" partner to improve buff offspring coloration. I hope this is somewhat helpful.


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