Buffer Zone - Neighbors Chickens


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
We had a bit of an unpleasant surprise yesterday when we heard crowing that sounded like it was in our yard.
Turns out it was directly on the other side of the fence from our chicken yard. The neighbors had brought home two adult roosters.

THAT is the part that bothers me. They set them up right on the other side of the fence from our chickens.
It's a very rural area with big farms on either side and they have plenty of room to find their own space for chickens, but they decided to place theirs next to ours. Explaining the problem didn't help. They don't understand much about chickens. They don't really care.

After that frustrating conversation I made up my mind to install another line of fencing as a barrier to keep our chickens away from the shared fence.
So that's my question... How many feet should we make the setback?
I don't want to lose more space than necessary, but we need to prevent transmission of disease and parasites.
Thankfully we didn't have any hens right there since we have been shifting things around to create multiple breeding pens for upcoming projects, but that won't last for long.
Maybe they are hoping that the rooster's will breed your hen's and that they could then have the fertile egg's, or that the rooster's could kidnap your hen's for them so they could grow a flock for free?

The crazy thing is we actually offered to give them some hens a few months ago to be neighborly, because we were raising some leghorns for our neighbors on the other side and we wanted to encourage tolerance of our chicken situation, lol. But they never came to pick them up when they said they would and we gave up on reminding them.
So they bring home two roosters? My mom asked the wife, "You know roosters don't lay eggs, right?" and the lady was like "What do you mean?".
If it was baby chicks moving in next door I really wouldn't worry. But adults from who knows where... argh.
The crazy thing is we actually offered to give them some hens a few months ago to be neighborly, because we were raising some leghorns for our neighbors on the other side and we wanted to encourage tolerance of our chicken situation, lol. But they never came to pick them up when they said they would and we gave up on reminding them.
So they bring home two roosters? My mom asked the wife, "You know roosters don't lay eggs, right?" and the lady was like "What do you mean?".
If it was baby chicks moving in next door I really wouldn't worry. But adults from who knows where... argh.
Sound's like the typical a chicken is a chicken mentality.
We have neighbors with chickens, and roosters!, right next door. Our chix came first and I think they got the idea from us. We have a wooden fence separating our yard and my son built a huge chicken run with a setback of about a foot. There’s zero direct contact between our flocks and an even greater distance between the coops. Mostly our hens ignore the gang next door even their enthusiastic crowing. So far we’ve had no problems. I take bio security pretty seriously with my girls, but we’re in an urban environment that allows agriculture. We’re all limited to the space in our backyards here. We’ve managed to coexist pretty well the past few years.
Is the code set back being followed?

It's all one property actually. Part of a bigger piece of land and we all rent fenced mini-farm portions. Its zoned A1 Agricultural.
I just finished talking to the landlord about it and he offered to put up some screen cloth stuff on the chain link fence and talk to them about not letting them escape (they got out on the drive this evening and were looking to jump into ours). At least the landlord acknowledged the issue.
It's all one property actually. Part of a bigger piece of land and we all rent fenced mini-farm portions. Its zoned A1 Agricultural.
I just finished talking to the landlord about it and he offered to put up some screen cloth stuff on the chain link fence and talk to them about not letting them escape (they got out on the drive this evening and were looking to jump into ours). At least the landlord acknowledged the issue.
Is that to say you got nothing?

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