Bug Zapper

I never though of this but I am going to be looking for the zapper very soon. Bug season is getting started, one of the reasons I have chicken is to help with bug control. I still need to get a lot more chickens to help with the ticks out here.
I have an auto-pop door & the second that door opens in the am the girls are flying off the roost to eat breakfast. They use to take their time getting off the roost. I had an epic night last night . Mainly, June bugs but hey free food means less trips to the feed store.
I used to have a zapper in my horse barn and the hens used to run for it every morning when we let them out. Free food & helping control pests. Win-win situation.
Bug zappers might make a feast for your chickens, but they won't take care of the biting flies, gnats, and mosquitoes. I had one, and I only left it up for a week. Most of the dead bugs I found in the tray were green lacewings, a beneficial insect.

"In 1996, University of Delaware researchers Timothy Frick and Douglas Tallamy published a study in the journal Entomological News. They had collected and identified the kills from six bug zappers at various sites throughout suburban Newark, Del., during the summer of 1994. Of the nearly 14,000 insects that were electrocuted and counted, only 31 (0.22 percent) were mosquitoes and biting gnats. The largest number (6,670, or 48 percent) were midges and harmless, aquatic insects from nearby bodies of water."

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