Building a coop and have question.


6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Wasilla, AK
We are in the process of designing our coop and have some questions. We have 4 buffs and will be adding 2 easter eggers next year for a total of 6. Does the 4 sqft per bird include the nesting boxes? What is the sqft needed for the run? As much as I would love to free range them there are just to many preditors around. Is 3 nesting boxes going to be enough for 6 birds or should we have 4? Thanks for your help! Christina
Hi! The standard I've heard is 4ftsquare for coop and 10ftsquare for the run, per chicken. The more space you can give them the better, though- they will be happier and less likely to pick on each other. I'm not sure if the nesting boxes are counted in that. Good luck!


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