Still trying to get the last of our plans together so we can get started on building our coop and run. I have a few questions I'm really hoping someone can answer or offer advice on.
1. How high off the ground should a raised coop be?
2. Can I have the outdoor run just under the coop, or do I need to provide some open space with sunshine?
3. How do you make a covered run that you can walk in, without making the fence 6’ tall? Could I put up 2’ or 3’ wire fence and have posts 6’ high to attach strings running back and forth?
1. How high off the ground should a raised coop be?
2. Can I have the outdoor run just under the coop, or do I need to provide some open space with sunshine?
3. How do you make a covered run that you can walk in, without making the fence 6’ tall? Could I put up 2’ or 3’ wire fence and have posts 6’ high to attach strings running back and forth?