Building a Flock


Mar 23, 2015
We have four White Leghorns (Maybe--A few of them may have been snatched by a predator last night
), and we are looking to grow our flock. We have 2.5 acres, and three young children. We would like about ten or so chickens. What breeds would you recommend? I'd like a variety...But I am not sure which breeds don't mix well, or if that's even a thing. We keep them for eggs/as pets. Any suggestions?

Top of my list are: Americaunas, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons, and, of course, Leghorns.

Are those all friendly egg layers? Friendly toward each other and people? Should I look into other breeds?
I have Welsummers, Orpingtons, Bresse and RIRs. They coexist without many problems other than the normal ranking fusses and the Welsummers are slightly more aggressive towards the others. None of the flock have been aggressive towards people. The Bresse pretty much keep to themselves in the run, free ranging and on the roost. All are good egg layers though the egg production lowered during the high heat days of summer and now during the molt. Wellll... not sure about the Bresse yet as they haven't matured enough to lay eggs. Good luck with your flock.
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RIR have a reputation of being bullies in a mixed flock. I would take them off the list. EEs (what you are calling americanas) are a must if you have kids (green eggs and ham). The rest on the list will make a nice variety. There are many more that you will add to your list as you get exposed to all the breeds out there.

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