Hi, I'm new to the board and new to chickens.
We're beginning our coop this weekend- a relatively small 6 X 6 with a 7 X 14 chain link dog run attached.
I live on 2 acres in the woods backing up to a state park and have a lot of predators. We've got hawks, bald eagles, owls, possums, raccoons, tons of foxes, wood rats, dogs, cats, and the very occasional wandering bear or bobcat. After a snowfall, my backyard has so many tracks it's a bit scary to think about whats going on out there at night.
We are trying to build as secure an area for our chickens as humanly possible. We plan to lay hardware cloth completely under the run and up the sides a few feet and zip-tie it to the chainlink. We'll be covering the top of the run with hardware cloth as well. And, we're going to screw a woodframe around the door from the coop to the pen and attach the run to the coop. The coop will be at the edge of the clearing the house sits in.
But, since I am new to this, I'm sure there are some things I have not considered and I would love to have your input about how to make a chicken fortress. I'm very soft-hearted about animals and can't bear the thought of losing them if it could be prevented. I have a dog that's on patrol, but she's inside at night and while I am at work, so she can only do so much. Luckily, she is not interested in eating chickens.
Please, share your tips for making a run that all these predators can be foiled by!
Thanks in advance.
We're beginning our coop this weekend- a relatively small 6 X 6 with a 7 X 14 chain link dog run attached.
I live on 2 acres in the woods backing up to a state park and have a lot of predators. We've got hawks, bald eagles, owls, possums, raccoons, tons of foxes, wood rats, dogs, cats, and the very occasional wandering bear or bobcat. After a snowfall, my backyard has so many tracks it's a bit scary to think about whats going on out there at night.
We are trying to build as secure an area for our chickens as humanly possible. We plan to lay hardware cloth completely under the run and up the sides a few feet and zip-tie it to the chainlink. We'll be covering the top of the run with hardware cloth as well. And, we're going to screw a woodframe around the door from the coop to the pen and attach the run to the coop. The coop will be at the edge of the clearing the house sits in.
But, since I am new to this, I'm sure there are some things I have not considered and I would love to have your input about how to make a chicken fortress. I'm very soft-hearted about animals and can't bear the thought of losing them if it could be prevented. I have a dog that's on patrol, but she's inside at night and while I am at work, so she can only do so much. Luckily, she is not interested in eating chickens.
Please, share your tips for making a run that all these predators can be foiled by!
Thanks in advance.