Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

What were you going to use??? Occ there are awnings on Craigs list.But most of time they are in a town not local. We got barins on our whole house full . Made two trips with trailer to get them all from former town where we lived for many years...
Hey never thought to use window ell covers... Did see awnings out of clear pvc on Ebay...
Mentioned to Hubby would like to have glass awnings or glass pergola top for the house. Otherwise our white awnings help from the blazing sun but deters winter sunlight... Wish he would raise the awnings at lest on the tall side of house.., He installed our used CList awnings with two kind of brackets fromTSC.. He is such a genius .. most times...I said cant you add a seond bracket higher up ?? for winter use...
Please let us know how it works out and how attached please
DH has a plan I think about how he will attach these. I have my doubts about high wind situations, but if they're attached with enough fasteners, hopefully, they'll stay put for a good long time. If not, back to the drawing board. I haven't seen anything on Ebay, no, didn't think to look there. Will check.

Playing catch up on your thread this morning. I've gotten behind on my reading and I've missed it.

Sorry about all the trouble your having with the rain run off, but sounds like the trenches will do their job. I know a lot of work went into making them. No easy task once you start getting a bit older. I know it's hard for me to do a lot of things I did just 2 years ago. It's just DH & I doing stuff around the house. It takes time getting everything done that needs doing.

Hopefully the company will be able to get to your place soon to fix the leaking roof. The leaks put a hold on doing much inside not knowing when they will be coming out. If it ain't one thing it's something else!!

Your new "awnings" look interesting. Sure would be a great time/money saver if they work.

How's your little hen doing?

Love your pics! The scenery is gorgeous!
Not sure which little hen you mean. Poor little Lucy passed away. Her aunt Carly, who is a year older, was acting off but seems a lot perkier now that we gave her special food and stopped the influx of moisture into their coop (I think we have, anyway-new roof and caulk in three every place we could see to re-caulk).

I do love my view, thank you.

ETA: Final concrete gutter is in place. That was interesting, trying not to stand too hard on the rock wall, hover over the trench, pour cement, then bend over and shape it. We had four bags, could have used another 1/4 bag, but that side wasn't giving us the real trouble in the first place so I think it will be fine. Can do a little touch up work where the trench didn't quite make it to the rock wall at a later date. Now, DH has to rest a day. We mixed all four bags at once in our big Rubbermaid lawn cart, even with it's flat tires and broken rim; DH shoveled some into a bucket and handed it into the trench to me and I did the rest, one bucket at a time. I love that cart. Have to find new wheels for it.

Adding pics. Interior shows the window covers as well as the buckets in the three places we get puddles (but only if it is a deluge for a couple of days).

In this photo, see where the screws are right on the edge where the sheet metal overlaps on the roof? There is a little twig to the right of that seam for reference. Its there or just to the right of there inside, along that line, that the buckets are located below.

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Yes, those screws were incorrectly placed. And they knew it, out should have. They really should replace those sheets.

That's what I was thinking, that the screws should never have been right on that edge. Something about that just didn't look right. I'm sure they'll come out and then, if it needs to be redone, they'll end up having to get materials then come back at a later date. That was the last part of the building they did at the end of a very long day and I know they were in a hurry to get out of here.
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In this photo, see where the screws are right on the edge where the sheet metal overlaps on the roof? There is a little twig to the right of that seam for reference. Its there or just to the right of there inside, along that line, that the buckets are located below.

Huh. What do the other seams look like?
Hope they make it right for you...and sooner rather than later.
Huh. What do the other seams look like?
Hope they make it right for you...and sooner rather than later.

I'll have to see if I can see them well enough. Today, we are trying to decide about those window well coverings. The guys left enough of the red trim that DH is seeing if he can make an awning from that and some of the sand colored siding. We shall see. I have my doubts about the plastic covers in high winds, especially since there it not a flat surface to attach them to. I would love to figure that out because I like the clear see-through material and the curved structure of them.

I did check Ebay and they have some really cool awnings that are less than $100 each, but DH doesn't want to pay that. And really, can't at this point, not when we need so much lumber already to do the inside.
Have you ever thought of shutters for the windows?

The problem with shutters is that, if rain starts pouring and blowing in the middle of the night, especially in summer when the windows are wide open, we'd have to wake up and run down there to close the shutters, unless I'm thinking of something different than you mean, which maybe I am.

I know that DH doesn't want this to look junky with a jerry-rigged mess posing as an awning but he may have to just buy one awning at a time since we can't afford them all at once, if these window wells won't work. The big issue is the building is not flat so we have to work around the corrugated steel to install anything we get or build.

ETA: That seam is like that over the ridge vent on the opposite side, no others like that. DH had an idea of how to make awnings using PVC pipe as a framework so he's going to return the window wells tomorrow and get the small PVC pipe, brackets, etc.
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I was thinking about the louvers on the shutters. You can still have airflow when they are shut.
But you are right. But you could keep them closed in the rainy seasons and still have ventilation. But then I don't know how great the price difference would be.
Ah, I get ya now. Hmm. May have to think about that. DH is working on his new idea for awnings right now, at least for the back two windows where most of the weather hits. We'll see if it pans out.

Wide louvers is not a bad idea....for full ventilation during rain and for shade.
I can see how that might work. Not sure of the cost.

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